To craftsmen in Germany, even more than programmers. The deregulation initiative of the red-green government in 2004 could not change anything that has to be abolished in 53 of 94 Professions, the master’s duty. This seemed to make sense with a view to quick access to employment for the numerous unemployed – but it was also a Signal that you can run without a master operation, according to the Motto: it’s just Drudgery. The result: loss of image and, in the meantime, a dramatic shortage of Young people.

Now, there are numerous proponents of a re-introduction of the master’s duty, for all of the crafting professions. For instance, the Federal Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU), announced in the summer, to professional degrees such as the master, the academic, such as the Bachelor,. Or Carsten Linnemann of the CDU-Central Association, which provides for the abolition of the master as an error of jurisdiction, have meant that many opened A one – man business that had to close after a short time, to many cowboys not prowling around, the understand their craft, and no apprentices to train. And now crafts President Hans Peter Woll zeal has set the topic back on the agenda. He sees the reputation of the craft in the most free areas in danger and also urges that the release to the distortion of competition would have led, because many of the Solo self-employed earn so little that they pay no contributions to the social funds, and you will not be able to provide training.

The theme of securing the future would be so compromised. Wool zeal says – and is right. Germany does not need more bad screwdrivers and other Self-made mechanic, the need to be validated at the end of the community of solidarity. There needs to be a respected craft landscape, which provides not only good work but also interesting career alternatives for young people, so that the swarm no longer at the universities. In 1980, one out of every five of the school went to the Uni today, at least half of it. Without craft, it will not go. Whether the policy has really understood?

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When dealing with asylum seekers, which are successfully trained, it seems. Which will accrue to the new forces of the immigration act of your skills not a right of residence. You could call this a craft error.