Danish Prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) is prepared to listen to proposals for the introduction of the minimum wage in Denmark.

It will write to the prime minister on Facebook on Wednesday evening. In the advertisement gives Lars Løkke expressed that he is not dismissive of the minimum wage.

– Would it not be much easier if we introduced a minimum wage, I am often asked. It would make it much simpler to control and combat social dumping, writes Lars Løkke Rasmussen and adds:

– And I understand well the question.

There is no minimum wage in Denmark, if the employer is not covered by a bargaining agreement, but it is possible to challenge the wage by a court of law.

According to Lars Løkke it is, among other examples such as the above-mentioned foreign drivers on Danish roads, which lived under poor conditions for low wages, who have got the prime minister to consider the issue of minimum wage.

But it puts at the same time, Lars Løkke in a dilemma:

– We can’t just turn your back on a successful model, rather than to fix the social conditions by law and remove the incentive to be in the union. Why should one join, if even those without membership immediately got the same conditions?

the Prime minister calls on the danes on Facebook to give their views on how it can be solved, that Denmark avoids the underpaid labor and at the same time cherish the Danish welfare society.

Beskæftigelsesordfører Hans Andersen (V) deepening the prime minister’s lookups to the news agency Ritzau:

– We will not find ourselves in that one uses the rules on the free movement of workers in Europe, and you come to Denmark and reward at unacceptable low level.

– Which could be a regulated minimum wage be one of the tools to stop it, ” says Hans Andersen.

He emphasizes that the Left does not have a definitive answer on how to solve the problem of low wages for foreign labour in Denmark. However, it looks like the following:

– We want the free movement of workers in Europe, while at the same time we ensure that the Danish model is viable and strong, but also that it occurs on the conditions of remuneration, that reflects that it is in Denmark, it takes place, and not in Romania, ” says Hans Andersen.

According to Facebook-the lookup will the prime minister use the suggestions on Monday, where he will deliver a speech at the Workers ‘ Summit.