For his comparing a black Minister to a monkey five years ago, of the right Italian politician Roberto Calderoli has been sentenced on Monday due to racist abuse. The court in Bergamo, held a one and a half year prison sentence for the Lega politician is justified.

Calderoli had said in July 2013 on a party, event, Italy’s former integration Minister Cécile Kyenge, reminded him of an Orang-Utan.

The 62-Year-old is one of the Vice-President of the Senate, and served in the conservative governments under Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s various Ministerial posts. Calderoli may appeal against the judgment nor appealed.

Kyenge wrote on Monday on Facebook, the penalty to be exposed to””. At the same time, today’s members of the European Parliament, welcomed the judge’s decision: “Even if it is a decision in the first instance and the sentence was suspended, it is an encouraging judgment for all, the fight against racism .”


Created: 14.01.2019, 22:42 PM