Merchtem Friends for life should the two elfjarigen now. Milan Verhaegen choked Wednesday in a piece of carrot on the playground of the municipal primary school At Forest in Peizegem. “In Baywatch, I saw how someone was rescued after he chokes, and I did that rescue.” The mayor is planning a celebration for Len.

Not for a moment hesitated Len Van Audenhove woensdagvoormiddag. And fortunately, because he had not immediately intervened, it was maybe the worse is over.

“But you really don’t have to think about it”, let the young teenager is loosely lost. For Milan had indeed every minute. “During the time we were just quietly talking while I was on a carrot nibbled,” recalls Milan. Wednesday is healthy day at school, and parents give their offspring than fruit or vegetables in place of the traditional cake. “I bite a piece of the root, and suddenly he had the piece fixed.” Len had that something was not quite right: “The bell had just gone and I saw how Milan have no word could release – breathe nearly succeeded.”

On the playground

The relationship is perhaps not immediate to grasp, but fortunately the film was Baywatch recently on television. “I had seen someone also choked in a piece of food,” explains Len. “When they hammered along behind the arms over the belly and they started to pull. I have done three times.” Milan: “And suddenly flew up the piece of carrot through the air. It is now even on the playground.” Why the young teenagers to Baywatch looked? “The Rock (actor Dwayne Johnson red) has long been our idol,” says Len. “In the past, I wanted him happy. My parents take each film on which he is. The past two weeks I’ve Baywatch twice looking at.”