It is not a new Nuisance, on the contrary. Since 2012, the Post may request that the letter boxes from the house entrance to be relocated to the property boundary. Since then, the company calls on thousands of homeowners to relocate their mailboxes. The Post sees the relocation of the letter boxes is a time-saver for your letter carrier.

Of Valais, national councillor Thomas Egger (CVP) calls on the Federal Council, however, to change the post-regulation. The scheme should only apply to new buildings. “I think the Post should be pragmatic and think about what you are triggering with this approach to their customers,” says Egger. He himself was not affected, but in the Canton of Valais, the inhabitants of half the villages of the Post had been warned to move their sometimes decades old letter boxes. A similar case is seated in Schötz near Lucerne, where in 2016, at the same time 140 households were reprimanded, and then even the municipal Council with the Problem dealt with this in the middle of the referendum campaign the public Service Initiative, which operated the waiver of income at the Federal and lower salaries for their bosses demanded.

“Uneasy gut feeling”

Egger contacted his party colleagues, the former Council of States and the present post-President Urs Schwaller. But I only referred to the fact that the Postal services should implement the requirements in the post-regulation. For him, this attitude was a disappointment, says Egger. The Post it is missing seems to be the necessary political sensitivity. “In the population an uneasy gut feeling vis-à-vis the Post office and the entire public Service,” says Egger. If the Post is single-minded in the post-regulation professions, then this needs to be changed.

Eggers proposal calls for a grandfathering rights for the mailboxes of buildings that were built prior to 2012. The concern is supported by ten national councils of SP to SVP. The Federal Council has to take up to the spring session in March. In 2016, Federal councillor Doris Leuthard was to a question from national councillor Franz groups (SVP, VS), that you consider the “current regime as a well-balanced and proportionate”.

The Post take Eggers Motion to note and wait for the political process, said a spokeswoman on request. “After that, we will examine whether and what impact the decision has.” As long as you keep to the law.

Today, the post-regulation provides an exception only for multi – family and commercial buildings and monument-protected buildings, or if a transfer would cause “undue hardship” for health reasons, for example, in the case of people with a disability. In all other cases, the Post may remain hard and a new location request. The letter box is not moved, it can even refuse the delivery. The person must then pick up his Mail in the nearest post office. In the case of the arbitration Postcom can, post customers, are currently a dozen cases pending. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 18.12.2018, 14:46 PM