Doris Leuthard has a new task. She is Member of the Board of Coop and the Coop, a subsidiary of Bell. Only been 56 days, you no longer councillor. So you don’t picked up quite as quickly as Moritz Leuenberger (SP), its predecessor, a mandate in the economy.

Leuenberger was in 2011, after his resignation, the Board of Directors of the construction company Implenia. As a result, the national Council decided that the former Federal councillors may accept during the two years of no mandates. The Council of States wanted to know from this Lex Leuenberger. In front of the Zurich already Old, were adopted by members of the controversial tasks, Ruth Metzler (CVP) at the pharmaceutical company Novartis. The former Minister of agriculture Joseph Deiss (CVP) has a Board of Directors to the milk processor, Emmi, and Ex-Finance Minister Kaspar Villiger (FDP) of the UBS as a Chairman of the Board.

due diligence

Only a passage in the “Aide-mémoire for the members of the Federal Council” deals with the activities of former government members. It means that Old members would leave for the adoption of mandates “due diligence” exercise, and to refrain from activities where there could be conflicts of interest. Whether there could be such conflicts of interest and what is Coop or Leuthard to say, remained open. Coop left align, for such questions, it was still “too early”, and a request for comment from Doris Leuthard, remained unanswered.

Potential conflicts of interest there are: Coop is reliant on a functioning infrastructure, whether in transport or in the energy. Environmental standards for the wholesale distributor is crucial. Leuthard is familiar with the Dossiers and the actors personally. It is also networked in the cantons of ideal, be it land baudirek gates, and on the table construction of the wholesale distributor, be it issues with the energy, environmental, or traffic Directors for other Infrastructure. Other interests of Coop agriculture policy and the labour law. In addition, Leuthard has an excellent international network and can make the wholesalers on developments and Standards in the field of environment or free trade to the attention of.

Coop was an “exciting and friendly” companies, was the Old Federal councillor spread. Doris Leuthard is a “high-profile and highly-competent” personality, Coop CEO Hansueli Loosli. But the two share much more than the brief Communiqué. Loosli, who is also the President of Swisscom, was Leuthards closest ally in the economy.

A close ally of Doris Leuthard: Coop and Swisscom CEO Hansueli Loosli. Archive image: Keystone

In August 2011, he was elected to the Board Committee of Economiesuisse, Leuthard had just completed the turnaround of the “Atom-Doris” to the “sun Queen”. The economy umbrella Association lobbyierte with all means against Leuthards new energy policy. He gleiste 2015, during the discussions in Parliament, a campaign and media planning conference, a broad coalition of politicians from CVP to SVP as a “Committee for a sensible and affordable energy policy” should occur. Then the economic umbrella organisation brusquely stepped on the brake under the influence of Loosli, as several sources say according. The campaign was called off, the Lobbying set. For Hansueli Loosli was – together with Coop-CEO Jost Sutter – the most prominent business figures in the Yes Committee in the vote fight.

Also in 2015, Loosli, according to trade Association Director Hans-Ulrich Bigler turned the economic umbrella organisation for the vote on Leuthards law on Radio and television. Also, since the resistance of the economy was stopped, the umbrella organization for all of a sudden, the deciding vote was according to the “Sunday newspaper” Loosli.

Leuthard defended Loosli

Leuthard defended regularly Looslis top salary at Swisscom. So in 2016, as the public Service Initiative wanted to limit the wages of state-owned enterprises. Loosli would have then earned more than his Confidante in the Federal Council, approximately 450’000 Swiss francs. 2018 Loosli earned as Chairman of the Board of the Telecom group 563’000 Swiss francs for a 50-percent workload.

Leuthard can expect a fee of around 100’000 Swiss francs for both of their mandates. Leuthards pension as a former Federal councillor is 226’000 Swiss francs. You will only be reduced if the earned Old-councillor more than in your previous Job. Coop refused to give an exact indication of the Compensation Leuthards.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 26.02.2019, 20:29 PM