When parents get divorced after 1. april next year, they must implement a digital course of a half hour.

But it was to the Liberal Alliance, then it should not be a requirement to skilsmisseforældre implement the class project. It tells familieordfører Laura Lindahl (LA).

– I do not think that the state should interfere in this field. I am liberal, and I’m a believer that people have the freedom to enter into a marriage and also come out of it, without the state interfering.

– I have a hard time to understand that we, as politicians, should have an attitude to adults of age, people no longer want to be married, she says.

See also: Sound judgment

Keep up with mixing so much in the lives of its citizens, reads the invitation from LA’s Laura Lindahl. Photo: Katrine Marie Kragh

See also: Mandatory course to learn skilsmisseforældre to cooperation

the Course is part of a new skilsmissesystem, which will enter into force on 1. april. This means that parents can blives divorced after a three month reflection period.

The new system was to, as part of an agreement between all political parties, which were concluded in the spring.

the Liberal Alliance does not support this reflection period will or the mandatory training. Nevertheless, the party used the yes to the agreement.

– There is no doubt that if it was to us, so had you not introduced a reflection period of three months, and had not introduced a mandatory online course, says Laura Lindahl and adds:

– Overall, there are many, many good things as you take care of. It is højkonfliktsagerne, which fortunately are few, but serious. And therefore, the system is basic really well.

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