Many mps would be prepared to ban the swastika flag, out West Media to mps from a query.The nordic resistance movement marches on independence day, was also seen as a nazi swastika flags. IL

the Issue came to the forefront on independence day, when uusnatsistisen the Nordic resistance movement, the marchers were carrying also the nazi flag. The evening press reports on the matter freshly.

the Western Media asked the mps, should the swastika flag banned by law.

the Questionnaire was answered by 62 mps, i.e. the response rate was 31. Responded represented all parliamentary parties.

the respondents for the most part, i.e. 82% in favour of the flag of the language of the law. Eight percent did not support the swastika flag or other national socialist symbol of the denial.

Ten percent of respondents did not know.

national socialist symbol of the ban was justified, inter alia, that the swastika flag symbolizes the millions of people, mass killing, hatred and racism.

I think it is necessary to seriously consider their use of denial, because these things is no reason to even play let alone be serious. At the same time can be considered the history of education increased in schools, mps Eeva-Johanna Eloranta (sd) writes in its reply to the Western Media.

Negative or uncertain, the applicant was justified, inter alia, that a mere ban is not removed the swastika flag behind the idea

for me, the nazi symbol can be banned, but I think the symbols and the symbol of the denial is a symptom of alleviation and delves into the self-cause, the true finns Jari Ronkainen justification.

would Lead the other symbols ban?

the West Media poll was also discussed that it would lead the national socialist symbol of the denial of the other questionable symbols in denial.

This believed a fifth of the respondents. Many believe, for example, an extremist faction Isis flag use should be prohibited by law.

Police inspector Sarge I thought doubts about the swastika flag in denial. He wants to put a nazi flag-wavers rather a history lesson.

This seemed related to the clarity of the historical fact of the denial, so the history refresher was in order, guess I said the Western Media.