In the years lobbyorganisationen Agriculture & Food products laid the premises for one of the country’s most reviled and notorious restaurants, namely XO Burgers and Steaks, and Café Emma on Axeltorv in Copenhagen.
the Site, which, with wretched food and questionable hygiene in a number of years have disappointed the customers and attracted various attention of the competent authorities, as described in yesterday, finally closed and you are now looking for a new tenant here in Axelborgs ground floor.
See also: So is it over: the Infamous restaurant closed
Ekstra Bladet has asked lobbyists say if they will check as a condition of a lease with a future restaurateur, he or she must comply with food law.
‘- Then not again for a number of years in Agriculture & Food premises served bad food for danes and foreign tourists,’ asked this newspaper.
There is got answer.
‘Agriculture & Food looking for a new tenant, who has the ability and willingness to drive a business where all of the relevant legislation are complied with. Including food if there is talk about hiring for a restaurant or cafe,’ is similar to the organization in an email.
Ekstra Bladet has through the years have described how the fødevaremyndighederne at XO Burgers and Steaks, and Café Emma for example was greeted by a putrid stench in the kitchen – and how to spot repeatedly lied to customers when, for example, claimed that the cheap conventional meat was organic.
the Restoration was among the other property of the bedrageridømte, dethroned in copenhagen cafékonge Bahram Sari Beliverdi, and the site has also put the premises to a sinister, illegal storage of liquor and wine.
See also: Cafékonge should be in jail
the Arsenal was hidden in a cellar, as Fødevarekontrollens Team in the last year during the big drama had to contact the police to get access to. Tax administration was involved.
the Site was also in the last year tvangslukket by the authorities. The worst possible penalty. It reopened, but now the owners apparently even given up, which happened after that Fødevarekontrollen intensified ‘kontroltrykket’ – that is, made more frequent and thorough checks.
When the Extra Magazine a few months ago, the recent owner of the site, Ali Hassan Alaouie, participate with a comment to the poor on each encounter we, he rejected it in a text message.
He would say nothing.
‘Only that it gets better, but it takes time,’ he wrote.
Some of the customers who ate at XO Burgers and Steaks, and Café Emma will think that it has now actually been better.
See also: well-Known eateries, reported to the police
See also: Raid on the restaurant: There is ‘incredibly dirty’
See also: Slim and bad stench on this celebrity café
See also: How you are being ripped off when you eat out