– Then there must surely also be made for the distances of the other butikstyper.

– F. ex 250 m between clothing stores, issælgere, etc.

this was the Friday of Steen I n, then jv.dk could tell that Ribes coffee-moped, had been told that the future was to keep the distance of 150-200 meters to the other shops, café’s and restaurants that sell coffee.

Steen was not the only one who seems to Esbjerg Municipality’s department of Engineering & the Environment was starting to go in the right legal small shoes:

– Have you really nothing else to go up in.

– Let the man have his small business.

– It is probably the second to the municipality of Esbjerg ought to take care of, I would argue, wrote Thorsten V, while Jørgen P seems the distance the rule was reasonable:

– He pays no rent.
– Is present only when there are earnings.
– Can prompt the move to a more attractive place.
– Other open perhaps the whole year or large parts of it.
– I will support the long-term hårdslidende holders, wrote Jørgen so, but now it turns out that the municipality’s letter of afstandreglen, was sent by mistake.

– There came unfortunately the error from the management side, to overfortolkede a request from traders in Ribe as a review of kaffeknallerten.

– It was not.

It was interpreted as a complaint, and was therefore issued an injunction that kaffeknallerten should stand at a distance of 150 to 200 metres from the existing cafes, ” says councillor Alex Sørensen to the newspaper, explaining that he intended to continue the flexible interpretation of the guidelines for gadesalg so far have had.

– The right decision, writes Dan L in a comment on the jv.dk, but even if the case is solved right now, so Esbjerg politician discuss the matter at the committee meeting, the 9. august.