“Lodjursjakten: 67 animals may be shot”
“this Year’s licensed hunting of lynx begins on 1 march and this year 67 animals shot in ten counties, writes the national veterinary institute (SVA).”
“Most animals, 16 pieces, may be shot in northern sweden and the second-largest number, 15, in the county of Jämtland.”
“Lodjursjakten shall also be conducted in Västernorrland, Värmland, Västra Götaland, Kalmar, Stockholm, Jönköping, Västmanland and Örebro county.”
“the Hunt may last until the quota in each county is filled, or no later than the 31st of march in some counties, and on april 15 in the other.”
“Data on shot animals sent to the county and the animals to be delivered to the SVA for analysis.”