“Löfven and Busch Thor has the highest confidence”
“Prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) and KD-the leader Ebba Busch Thor has the highest confidence of the voters among the parliamentary party leader, according to a survey by Novus reports to SVT News.”
“the 34 per cent indicate that they have fairly or very high confidence for the Leaves. At the same time, he has also the least percentage of people against them, 43 percent. This is the percentage stating that they have fairly or very little confidence for the S-leader.”
“Ebba Busch Thor is förtroendesiffran 31 per cent, followed by Ulf Kristersson (M) and Jonas Sjöstedt (V) at 26 per cent, Jimmie Åkesson (SD) of 23 percent, Annie Lööf (C) at 21% and Jan Björklund (L) of 15%. In the bottom with 12 and 11 per cent is the Green party spokesperson Isabella Lövin and Gustav Fridolin. Fridolin stops now as his mouthpiece.”
“But the party as a significant drop in confidence is Moderatledaren Kristersson, from 32 to 26 percent, compared with a measurement in november. A consolation for the MP’s spokesperson Isabella Lövin is that she is the only party leader with a statistically significant increase in confidence – from 8 to 12 per cent.”
“the Survey was carried out with 1 047 interviews on a representative sample at the age of 18 and 79 years from 24 to 29 January 2019.”
“the Survey broken down which results in the trust are reported in percent:”
“Source: Novus januarimätning”