on Monday, it was clear that the Centre party will not vote on the government’s transitional budget, and on Tuesday said the party no to a budgetary cooperation with Stefan Löfven.

Recently, decided the Moderates and the Christian democrats to establish a common budgetreservstion and the SD leader Jimmie Åkesson has said that his party will vote on it in Wednesday’s budgetomröstning in the parliament.

met the press ahead of the Socialists ‘ group meeting in the parliament riktde he’s sharp criticism of the M and KD. S-the leader warned that The sweden democrats will get influence in Swedish politics.

– We have added a transitional budget of a recital. The idea is that the incoming government, regardless of the constellation, are given the best opportunity to lay an amending budget in order to implement its economic policies.

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and Their behavior is irresponsible.

– A budget must be worked out very systematic and strukrurerat. There is much that should be included in a budget for it to work vis-à-vis authorities and policy should have an impact. The reservation, which is now at risk to go through is a servettskiss. You can’t control the country on a servettskiss, ” he says, and appeals at the same time to the Centre party and the Liberals.

– It is, after all, so that we parties have been clear in the election campaign that SD should not have direct influence have a huge responsibility to make sure that you don’t get it.