Despite the high mortality rate, Sweden has chosen the right strategy under coronakrisen.

It maintains the Swedish prime minister, Stefan Löfven, as Sunday night came under sharp criticism by a tv debate between the Swedish party leaders.

the Opposition accused during coronadebatten the government for not having taken control in the fight against the virus.

– We have a dysfunctional government, said Kristdemokraternas leader, Ebba Busch.

– The large number who now mourn, that they have lost someone in the course of this spring, is a result of the fact that Sweden’s government has deliberately allowed a large spread in Sweden, she said.

Löfven recognize that something could have been done better.

Our biggest mistake is that so many have died in the care of older people. We should have tested more than we have done, the prime minister said.

– But the strategy has basically been real, he thinks.

From the centre party sounds, however, there is a criticism that there has not been the simple and clear recommendations to staff in nursing homes about how they should relate.

called kristdemokraterna wonder that the swedes could come directly from a holiday in the Alps and go out in society without having to be quarantined. Thereby allowing the government a big spread of infection, says Ebba Busch.

the Moderate leader Ulf Kristersson, asking whether the government actually had a strategy.

– I do not consider that it has been a comprehensive strategy, he says.

Jimmie Åkesson, who is the party leader for the indvandringskritiske Sverigedemokraterna, pointed out that as the death toll has risen, it has become harder to keep quiet with the criticism.

– Someone must take the leaf from the mouth, it sounded from the Åkesson, who on Saturday demanded statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell fired.

Before the debate had Åkesson declared that he no longer wanted to conserve the government.

– Borgfreden have certainly been lifted now, ” notes Tommy Möller, professor of political science at Stockholm University, after Sunday’s debate.

– There was quite a tough grip in the criticism against the government from the opposition, he says.

Figures from the Sunday shows, to a total of 4659 people are recorded dead with coronavirus in Sweden since the beginning of the crisis.