Löfven warns of M-budget: \

Stefan Löfven (S) warns of the consequences if the Conservatives and christian democrat budget proposal, which he calls servettskiss, go through in parliament. There should, perhaps, M-leader Ulf Kristersson re-tested in a statsministeromröstning, according to Löfven.

– If a budget goes through in the morning in the Swedish parliament, which has the support of the largest constellation, M, KD and SD, so it’s not entirely illogical to consider the idea, “says Löfven told reporters on the way into the social Democrats’ parliamentary group.

Löfven adds, however, that he accepts to go yourself up in a statsministeromröstning if the speaker proposes to him.

Parliament will on Wednesday decide whether the Swedish state budget for 2019. The government’s transitional budget is expected to be overruled in favor of a common reservation (db) from M and KD. It is expected to get the support of the SD.

– Now we are approaching a situation that I warned of during the entire autumn. It is a mode in which the SD a direct decisive influence on Swedish politics, ” says Löfven.

He warns that many people will be affected by the political content, but also to M’s and KD’s proposal is not sufficiently elaborated.

– The reservation who are at risk to go through in parliament tomorrow (Wednesday) is a servettskiss. You can’t control the country on a servettskiss, ” says Löfven.

He said that a budget must be worked out \

– There will be a lot of questions about what it’s going to get for the consequences. It is questions like those that get through to their reservation will not be able to answer, ” says Löfven.

He states that M and KD will be the answer required which cuts waiting.

“I think it is irresponsible,” says Löfven.

He points out that the parties earlier in the autumn was agreed on principles for a transitional budget and is critical to M and KD still put forward a proposal of its own.

According to Löfven gives övergångsbudgeten the best opportunity for the next government to implement its economic policies by adding an amending budget later.