EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, has brought in frozen Brexit-armed already by the British government rejected the proposal again. The EU gives the UK the opportunity to leave the customs Union unilaterally, he said on Friday.

the other elements of The so-called Backstops would have to remain there to prevent a hard border between Ireland and the UK Northern Ireland. Therefore Northern Ireland should remain part of the customs Union, while the Rest of the king leaves the Kingdom.

“is not forced in The United Kingdom, against its will, in the customs Union,” wrote Barnier on Twitter. The British Prime Minister Theresa May , had rejected this proposal last year with the words, “no British Prime Minister would agree with that.”

For months, will be a debate about the as a Backstop, to be referred to a guarantee for an open border between British Northern Ireland and the EU Ireland.

In between the British government and the EU negotiated exit agreements, it is provided that the UK should remain as a Whole in a customs Union with the EU, until the Problem is solved otherwise. Border controls to prevent all of the pages, otherwise a resumption of the conflict is feared in the former civil war region.

critics in London fear that the Backstop could bring to the UK permanently in a close connection to the EU. You penetrate on a time limit or a unilateral right of termination.

The exit agreement was in Parliament in London recently, however, with a crash failed. Already next Tuesday May want to leave the house again on the Treaty vote.


Created: 08.03.2019, 18:31 PM