In connection with the police in december 2017 struck against an apartment in Sundbyberg, as well as against a couple of other addresses in the western suburbs was the seizure of 28,5 kilos of amphetamine and 4.3 kilos of ecstasy.

During the investigation once it was clear that the men who handled the drugs, all of which are between 21 and 28 years old, tapes, and other things, used a 15-year-old courier. A 43-year-old taxi driver, were linked to the operation were arrested.

and a 21-year-old is convicted of a particularly drug offenses, the latter to four years and six months in prison. The two boys who were exploited as knarkkurirer is also true. The age of 16 years is sentenced to care for a serious drugs offence, coarsely vapenbrott and two drug offences. The age of 17 is convicted, he for a serious drugs offence, and grossly vapenbrott to care.

It was in september of this year that the ten persons were indicted for, among other extremely serious offences.

– It is about very large quantities of drugs. Furthermore, it has acted extremely recklessly, because using children as couriers, ” said prosecutor Isabelle Bjursten at Riksenheten against international and organised crime in connection with the indictment was brought.

have told began the case with a deadly car chase that ended on the Tenstavägen on 27 december 2017. In the car were a 22-year-old who was previously known by the police and singled out if one of the leaders of a criminal gang that has come to be called Dödspatrullen. The network has a large våldskapital and is suspected to be behind a number of murders that have occurred in the Järvafältet in recent years.

Police suspect that the motives for the murders may be the war on drug trafficking and the pengaskulder that can be linked to it.

the car was two cell phones confiscated immediately. It turned out so that there was a chat in one of them. For the police it was obvious that it was about narkotikaaffärer. To try and find out where it förvarandes drugs sent the police a message in the chat – the police wrote ”send your address again”.

There came an answer – and there went the police and encountered more than 26 kilograms of amphetamine in the apartment the same evening. They also found cannabis and ecstasy.

After this was done several raids at several places, overall it was 28,5 kilos of amphetamine and 4.3 kilos of ecstasy seized.

the Tracks led police to a 43-year-old taxi driver. His home was found 290.000 sek in cash and a notebook in which supply of drugs was ”book”.

now is sentenced to care under the judgment with two kilos of amphetamines on a train to Gothenburg. Everything speaks for that they stored the drugs in a regular platspåse. The court comes to the conclusion that it is proven that they got the mandate of the 22-year-old principal, who also kept in touch with them via various mobiltelefonchattar.

They are now doomed denies, in essence, the crimes they were condemned for. The evidence consists in large part of the chats as they involved themselves been involved in through their mobile phones. There is also technical evidence in the form of DNA and fingerprints found on the among things påser and gloves that can be linked to the drugs.

Prosecutors on Riksenheten against international and organised crime, led the investigation is essentially satisfied with the judgment:

“We think the district court has understood the material we presented in a good way,” said prosecutor Henrik Söderman.

färdigutrett than. The prosecution has not yet brought against two persons, also those in the more than 20-year-olds, suspected to constitute the core of the network. One of them was arrested in Barcelona on the same day as the trial of the case began.

the Man is now in custody in Sweden and prosecution of particularly serious drug offences is expected in the beginning of next year. The other person, who first was detained in the case but was released on the loose for lack of evidence, is still charged in his absence. The police suspect that he is in Spain.

Read more: Big dope – and vapenbeslag stopped gängvåldet