There must be strong support for the control of pesticides and chemicals in the Danish drinking water.

today is measured for more than 40 substances in the vandboringerne. But it should be up between 244 to 363 substances.

Such is the recommendation of a broadly composed working group of experts to the politicians.

In the summer of 2017 for the first time with the individual water companies found the remains of the substance desphenyl-chloridazon (DPC) in the drinking water.

It originates from a weed killer that has been banned since 1996. The substance was not on the list of substances, as water companies usually analyzes for.

the environmental protection Agency set up DPC in the checklist. The cards were then found over 250 wells with residues of the substance over the threshold.

in Addition, there were also found other substances, as drinking water has so far not been studied.

at the same time reduced the environmental protection Agency a working group with water supply undertakings, health authorities, municipalities and regions.

It has just come up with new recommendations to significantly tougher the detection of undesirable substances in ground – and drinking water.

It is now up to the environment – and fødevareministeren Jakob Ellemann-Jensen (V) to consider recommendations including the economy to a significantly enhanced screening of the groundwater.

the Danish Water and waste water (Danva) estimates that a better presentation can be made for a one-digit millions each year.

Danva in turn has previously estimated that each time it is necessary to make new indvindingsboringer to replace the contaminated, so does it cost two to five million dollars per drilling.

There are up to 7000 public drinking water wells in Denmark.

– The new discoveries of unknown pesticides in the drinking water have been troubling and has challenged the confidence in the drinking water. We are therefore pleased that the introduction of increased surveillance, says the director of the Carl-Emil Larsen, Danva.

– It means that we can secure ourselves against new unpleasant surprises in the future and get a thorough overview of what substances are in the groundwater.

the Environment and food Jakob Ellemann-Jensen (V) will not comment on the new recommendations, before he negotiated with the political parties behind the pesticidstrategien, which, in addition to the government is the Danish people’s Party, the Social democrats, SF and The Radical.