In the last week, the Danish Parliament agreed to let a larger group of foreigners crossing the Danish border.

This means that, for example, boyfriends, fiance, and grandparents from the nordic countries and Germany from Monday allowed to visit their partners or families in Denmark.

Now check if defined, that basically should have been together in six months to be allowed to visit his girlfriend in Denmark. It writes Jyllands-Posten.

– Error must have had a certain duration, as a starting point six months, and the characters must have had regular meetings.

– It will say error, that alone has consisted of the written or telephone correspondence, shall not be deemed anerkendelsesværdige in connection with the current restrictions on admission, write to the national Police, to Jyllands-Posten.

in Addition, the police a number of opportunities to prove that you are together.

It can happen, for example, by showing information about the name, domicile and contact details of her boyfriend combined with the fact that you can display emails, text messages, contacts list, or images, that shows that you have a relationship.

According to the law professor Lisbeth Christoffersen from the RU is the criteria and requirements for documentation looser than you would normally see in european law.

Here, one would normally only attribute to an error of an effect, when you have lived together for a year, and she says to Jyllands-Posten.

The Danish borders closed 14. march of the aliens, but there are a number of exceptions.

For example, do the aliens come in, if you live or work in Denmark, have a spouse or children to Denmark or to visit a family member who is seriously ill.