The British Parliament has voted in a vote in the lower house against all alternative proposals to the Brexit Deal of the Prime Minister, May. The result is a government not bound by it.

The British house of Commons has rejected a vote on possible Alternatives to the Brexit-the agreement of the Prime Minister, Theresa May, once again, all suggestions. None of the Alternatives received a majority at the vote.

Already on the last Wednesday in the house all the counter-proposals to the Brexit Treaty failed, then there were eight. The speaker of the house John Bercow was approved four options to vote: a request to remain in the customs Union for trade in goods, a give for remaining in the single market for Goods and services, for a further referendum, and a fourth of the withdrawal from the EU, it should be two days prior to the departure date of any agreement. This last Option would have ruled out a “hard Brexit” without agreement.

Hard Brexit in eleven days?

Brexit-the Minister Barclay is relying on further discussion in the Cabinet.

Currently, it looks like the UK would leave the EU in eleven days, said Brexit-Minister Stephen Barclay. The Parliament should agree to the existing Deal, “could it be possible” to leave the EU, the European elections end of may. The Cabinet would meet on Tuesday to discussions.

head of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn suggested that to consider the Alternatives on Wednesday, again in recital. The Tory MP, Nick Boles, announced in Parliament his resignation from the party in government. This prosecution compromises, he said. Boles had one of the alternative proposals submitted.

house of Commons no Brexit-way out
Jens-Peter Marquardt, ARD London
01.04.2019 23:44 PM

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