“The FEDERATION want to allow drones in the boar hunt”

“Several times per year, the same farmer get his land destroyed by the returning boar bökar and destroy the crops.”

“Lantbrukarnas riksförbund (LRF) now wants to simplify the hunt with drones and infrared cameras.”

“the Number of wild boar in Sweden is expected to increase by around 15 per cent every year and, according to the LRF is estimated between 200 000 and 300 000 wild boar exist in the country today.”

“According to a survey by the Swedish university of agricultural sciences (SLU) made the 2015 cost wild boars 1.1 billion a year for farmers.”

“From Wednesday the 15th of may it will be allowed to use infrared cameras and variable lighting, in accession to the jaktvapnet when you hunt wild boar.”

“But the LRF requires additional measures to simplify the hunt.”

“They want to among other things, that drones should be allowed during the boar hunt, and that hunters can quickly get the permission of the Nfa to sell vildsvinskött directly to consumers.”

“the LRF also requires that the feeding to the wild boars is regulated. Problems may arise, for example when the people who want to hunt wild boar, dumping large amounts of food in the woods to lure the animals.”

” When you feed the wild boars proliferate, they are in a completely different way and they are moving over large areas. They are fed on a place they will spread to the neighbors ‘chips,” says Mikael Bäckström.”

“the wild Boar was exterminated in Sweden in the late 1600’s, but was reintroduced later in the shelter.”

“In the 1970s, ran several groups of wild boar out in the wild in Sweden and has since spread very quickly.”

“In Sweden, most of the wild boars in the southern parts of the country.”

“wild Boar can be up to 185 centimeters long and have a height of around 100 centimetres.”

“Source: the FEDERATION of Swedish farmers and the Swedish national encyclopaedia.”

“Vildsvinskött may not be sold directly to consumers, restaurants or stores. Because there is some risk of trichinella, a parasite which lives in mammals, have the flesh to pass a vilthanteringsanläggning before it is sold on.”

“The hunters keep the meat for themselves need only send a trikintest with entry to an approved laboratory.”

“the Nfa has been tasked by the government to investigate on the way between hunter and consumer can be simplified without food safety of the vildsvinsköttet deteriorate.”

“When you cook the wild boar comes to the same recommendations as when you handle chicken. You should wash your hands thoroughly and be careful when you clean the knife you have used. You should also use a separate cutting board.”

“Source: Swedish hunters association and the Nfa.”