Emmanuel Macron is omitted in its reform policy, among other things, on the Eco-tax on Fuel. Because the Yellow-to-West movement was required. The French state takes less money than Macron actually had provided. This might violate an EU rule, if France needs to more than three percent of its economic output on new debt. the Leo Klimm, Paris Leo Klimm

Leo Klimm, Born in 1977, is the paper’s Economics correspondent in Paris. Studied there and in Berlin, where he wrote for the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The Serious side of life begins, but only in 2003 as a press worker in the European Parliament. In 2004, starting as a volunteer in the Financial Times Germany, stations in Hamburg, Berlin, London. Then comment editor, then editor for Corporate report. From 2011 to the end of the FTD correspondent in France. There since 2014 for the SZ.

Fiscal reliability – that should be a hallmark of Emmanuel Macrons, compared to the EU partners. But now, in the midst of the sharp protests by the Yellow-vests-movement against the economic policy of the French President, moves away Macron from his Deficit plan.

that is, the responsible budget Minister Gérald Darmanin is doing it for him, Since the government makes costly concessions to appease angry demonstrators, must give up Darmanin the goal, 2019, a state to be recorded deficit in the amount of 2.8 percent of economic output – and can even realize that France is likely to exceed the EU limit of three percent. “I’m a fetishist, no Pay,” says Darmanin. “Whether it is 2.9 or 3.1 per cent, this is not so, that on one side is hell and on the other the Paradise.” At the beginning of the week, the government had insisted on a deficit of a maximum of 2.8 per cent.


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at the beginning of his term in 2017 had collected Macron compliance with the EU stability rules to the top fiscal priority. He wanted to win after ten years of the breach finally, the confidence of the Federal government, in France. On this basis, in turn, Macron presented far-reaching demands for Reform of the Euro-Zone. 2017 France had pushed the debt to 2.6 percent of gross domestic product; for 2018, the same value is being addressed. In 2019, the Minus should rise controlled to 2.8 per cent, to relieve the burden on companies. The task of the consolidation rate is likely to fall Macron is now even easier, since Berlin has blocked its Euro-zone reforms in the past few months, almost Betmoon complete.

but Above all, the fierce, sometimes violent protests by the yellow-West have the President and his government under massive pressure. The protesters are calling for less taxes and to generally increase the purchasing power of recipients of the low and medium income. In the middle of the week, Macron has yielded one of its core claims, he refrained from an Eco-tax on Fuel to raise.

Nevertheless, are scheduled for this Saturday in new protests. The demonstrations spread increasingly in violence, changes have been given little of the support of a broad majority of the population for the Yellow jackets. Even more: A survey of the Institute Elabe, according to 69 percent of the French want that the Macron takes a break from his economic reforms. Only eight percent are of the opinion that he should put his high pace of reform. His popularity values weekly values new low. This should also have facilitated the task of the deficit target.

Alone, the waiver of the Eco-tax-increase means for the state in 2019, a loss of revenue of four billion euros. This corresponds to a deficit increase of 0.2 percent. Add to this the expenditure for heating costs, grants and other assistance promised by the government at the beginning of the yellow West is crisis.

Surprisingly mild the EU, due to the higher deficit Commission: budget Minister Darmanin have “not wrong” with his non-dogmatic approach, says EU monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, which in itself is a Frenchman. It would not be to Brussels, to France, requirements for proper handling of the protests.

budget Minister Darmanin is looking for opportunities, the concessions to kompenisieren

After all, Darmanin is looking for ways to compensate for the concessions to the protesters in part. The newspaper Les Echos , may be played over missing billion in France. The government will discuss, 2019 the scheduled reduction in corporate tax to suspend. Also, a reduction in social security contributions could be postponed or cancelled. The controversial wealth tax, the Macron 2017 had been abolished, the President.

Before the protests at the weekend was in France, the fear of Violence. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner is not called “reasonable yellow the West,” to go on the road. He is right to part hard the police produced stakes – even against high school students, joined a Protest against a System for the allocation of study places, the yellow West. Pictures of Mantes-la-Jolie West of Paris, had taken care of on Friday for outrage. It is seen, as police officers take about 150 students, and force you to go on your knees and fold your arms behind your head. Castaner accused the students with iron rods and baseball bats for serious acts of violence prepared. At the same time, he promised an investigation into the controversial operation.