For the past five and a half years, the Online magazine for love, “on the contrary” at the Berlin love market on the way and with a lot of heart Singles in a personal portrait. Anni Kralisch-Pehlke, one of the founders, tells how it is to love in the big city.

In a million city like Berlin, a lot of Singles actually want to be a Single life. How did you get into the game?

More than 50% of the Berlin households are single households, this is from a study from last year. In the meantime, the should be become even more. We come therefore to the game, as we want to hook up these people like, or at least the one that is going sustainably to the Online Dating.

daily mirror people


What order you mean by sustainable?

We want to appeal to people who have not in the mood to “wipe away”. Since the attention span for the people is insanely short, it is long and detailed. We and our Team visit all the Singles at home, portray and photograph them for several hours and take a lot of time to learn the people know. A portrait of a duration of more than four minutes. With the concept, we founded the “Slow-Dating-platform“ on the Internet.

you say you meet Singles in the local area, meet you in person. What is the advantage, if you see them as a Single own profile, but someone writes to another about you?

The absolute advantage is that things that you can do well or you don’t want to specify the pride with which one but awesome – still find their way into the Text. If we write in the portrait, the Person can cook super Horny, get over the not conceited. That takes all the selfishness. We do not ask but also what the Person can be perfect, or what he/she is not so good. Also one of the biggest differences is probably: there are no Fake Profiles. In Dating Apps, people don’t look at photos often, as in real life. We will show the people of each side and try to convey a feeling of safety. So that we can give us real trouble. In an App you do not have your therapeutic or Coaching-like accompaniment.

What is your opinion for Singles in Berlin, the biggest challenge in today’s time?

to bind. Really is in a relationship, and not for the first little aches and pains and get away, or because at the next corner, the next best could be waiting. Of the portrait Singles, we often hear that you get quite a long and detailed mail – Dating-App-default, limited to three words. On a long, loving portrait of the people react differently. I believe that those who cover letter to our Singles, have really the desire to see what the Longer-term.

“on the contrary” is now for more than five years on the hook-up rate in the capital. How’s the love in Berlin?

Feel like there’s the happy mid-30-couples who marry, or have children. On the other hand, the partner-less people are always disaster – the gap between the Extremes is widening. But I also have the feeling that more and more women are looking for a bond than men. A great woman said to me recently: Not even for having an affair would have been big trouble. This is rather not a new phenomenon. Tie or relationship anxiety perhaps inability to relate to others is enhanced by Apps. What may be for shy people to help, because the courage threshold is low, makes it perhaps even harder to meet a new Person.


It’s not all as bad as it sounds. The success rate of the “on the contrary”, for example, is relatively high. If a Single on Parship in love every 10 minutes that says nothing about how many people actually come. For us, the more manageable it is. We have portrayed in the past five and a half years, about 550 Singles, with whom we are in contact. That means that people write to us, if you are in a relationship, if you have children or get married. But also, if you separate and we can turn off the portrait again. To ensure that it is not running in some on the love front so easy, we get yet a lot of positive messages.

do you Have a strategy for the future, to give the love in Berlin even more space?

Just keep doing what we already do. In Berlin, everything is loud and fast and violent and we do our best, in the Online Business of the antithesis, when it comes to love. Our strategy is not to succumb to the Almost-Dating, sees the people as a mass product. We publish Yes a maximum of one to two portraits a week. The Person is also long in the Spotlight and gets the undivided attention of all who come with us on the site. Since slowing down is learning to know and love. I still believe in love.

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on The contrary, an Online magazine and since November 2013 weekly Singles. Interested parties should contact simply – money is not necessary the Whole. On the contrary, is, next to Berlin, also in 14 other cities.