The CDU in Berlin-Lichtenberg has taken in the years 2016 and 2017, donations in the amount of 60 000 euros by a Dutch Investor named Harry van Caem. The entrepreneurs developed in the district currently, several residential and commercial projects with Thousands of homes and offices. First of all, the news magazine “der Spiegel reported” with reference to the Portal about the payments.
“Every donation is welcome”
Danny Frey, mark, Deputy Chairman of the CDU district Association, was pleased about the grant. “To me, every donation is welcome and I am glad when companies social commitments,” says Frey, mark, who sits for the CDU in the house of representatives. “We regularly get donations and I hope we get much more in the future,” said Frey mark. Stefan Evers, General Secretary of the Berlin CDU and is responsible for the finances of the Association, said: “We have examined the accountability reports, and no evidence to suggest that there is cause for complaint.”
The money is to be paid by two companies connected with van Caem,. In a telephone conversation with the “mirror” statement, the money had flowed to the CDU in Lichtenberg, doors stop, was denied by managing Director Harry van Caem later. To act in the “legal framework” and make “a lot of donations and Charities to multiple and different parties,” said the business man to the news magazine.
criticism of the SPD
in fact, van Caem, which had already been built in the year 2008 an old wall wasteland between Mitte and Kreuzberg, with high-priced apartments has discovered, in the district of Lichtenberg. Under the title of “Coppi-Park” he is planning a modern industrial Park for up to 3000 office jobs, primarily in the IT industry.
daily mirror people
Birgit Monteiro, district councillor and Chairman of the Lichtenberger SPD, designate the donation criticized. “Parties should be committed to the common good and act in such a way. Donations to an Investor can be no basis for political Action,” said Monteiro in an interview with the daily mirror. Your narrative according to which the CDU had fought in the district in the misty year of “making a strong case for the granting of the instant construction for van Caem”. Also against this Background, under the tomb of the well-known donation, the credibility of policy.
More about
Berlin CDU group Dregger decides: Danny Frey mark in the Board of Directors
Felix Hackenbruch
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