I wake up and feel, for lack of a better word, happy. Perhaps, for a short time, excited. Since I’m fond of the image of myself as a combination of the donkey Eeyore and the surly head of group communications Toby Ziegler in ”the White house”, so blame the I this unfamiliar feeling in the spring. The birds are chirping. The pale green grass, and my labrador who jumps both his feet half a meter straight up in the air to dive down with the nose in all sorkhål she saw. You ask her does not make it the slightest pain when the buds deficiencies.

symboltyngda depictions of spring. ”April is in between the big sleep and the great leap forward,” writes Karl Ove Knausgård in the ”spring”. It is walpurgis night, and he and the youngest child, still an infant, should go to the hospital, where the children’s mother is posted. ”April is the yearning for something different, the second of which is still unknown.” And if you are sympathetic, you can also find a REAL-life example that everything is possible when it becomes ours. On Sunday 26 may, the elections to the european Parliament. The schuman declaration, the manifesto that started the collaboration, which would eventually lead to today’s EUROPEAN union was presented on 9 may 1950, almost to the day five years after Germany’s unquestioning surrender. ”I wish for peace on earth”, has become the symbol for something so shamefully naive that only beauty queens get to dream about it. But then, just the nice majdagen, it was Germany’s and France’s shared vision.

as we approach the us election day will be calls to vote more and more. The former arch-enemy to the EU, if so call themselves Sverigedemokrater or the Front National, has now also turned coat after Brexitvinden and declared that it is time to ”change the EU from within”. It blows simply spring winds, and with in the EU parliament. Or?

Then the caller of my sister.

”Why is it that fulast just in the spring?”, she wonders. Before I had time to answer, she does it herself. ”It’s that cursed light. All of the fucking sun, and all the requirements at the picnic and sour rosé wine and sit with your back against the fasadväggar and close your eyes up towards the sky as if caught in a trance. Well I am not with any sect? Huh?”

And I will think of when I and the family lived in Florence. A beautiful spring day, I walked into a shop to spontanköpa a pair of pants. When I stood in the queue to the cashier stepped a catholic priest. He stood beside me and raised his hand high over the hilarious hat, he held a sort of brush with reinforced shank. With a snärtande movement, the more he is a rich shower with the holy water in the face to me. The woman behind the till made the sign of the cross and I was so surprised that I did the same. Then I paid my pant and went from there. But I felt not in the least purified of it where the water and the where the brush which didn’t appear to have been cleaned up since the all been laughed against Michelangelo. On the contrary.

Read more chronicles of Malin Persson Giolito

of someone else’s dreams. Not even between bird cherry and lilac. My sister is also pollenallergiker and they usually rarely drop from some of the Film-the sound of happy devotion to welcome the spring. Without their allergimedicin enjoying my sister as much of the spring scents that I appreciate the högerextremas newfound enthusiasm for the EU.

I have lived abroad for more than half of my life. My family looks like a cross between a Benetton-advertising in the 80s and the darkest aryan nightmare. I have a master’s degree in eu law and human rights, and the only thing I can think of when I hear about SD’s and the UN’s plans for Europe, is that in the 1930 the German national socialist party to options to change the German parliamentary system from the inside. It went ”good” for the nazis. They ”succeeded” beyond expectation with its reform. And now the far-right against what likely will be their most successful Europe-options ever. It’s so fucking depressing that I would have preferred that we still discussed Swexit.

”Nature’s first green is gold. Her hardest hue to hold,” writes Robert Frost in one of the finest vårdikterna I know. Translated, it means something like: Nature’s first green is golden. The shade that is most difficult to keep. The poem is a reminder that nothing’s really worth anything lasts forever. And also, perhaps, that dreams require action in order to not die.

the Vote in the EUROPEAN elections. Not that the EU is going to save anyone, but because cooperation gets stronger the more people that cooperate and as the EU must be changed, modernized, adapted to today’s problems and challenges. But the reform must be carried out by people who care about the original dream of peace and humanity. Otherwise, Europe will drown in a flood of far-right stupidity.