“A 31-year-old syrian man living in Malmö accused of having planned a terrorist attack with knives and explosive devices somewhere in Copenhagen.”

“the Same man was acquitted in last year for a brandattack against a shia local in the southern Swedish city.”

“The Danish the deed would have been carried out in november 2016 according to the indictment, but was not to be. The 31-year-old man, applied for asylum in Sweden, was arrested at the end of last year. He is suspected of having been the accomplices of a 21-year-old in Germany who have already been convicted for terrorplanerna.”

“Brandbombsattentatet against the shia bönelokalen in Malmö, sweden took in turn place in October 2016. The property rökskadades, but no human came to harm. The prosecutor in the Swedish case argued that it was a terrorist attack and that the man was the ICE-sympathizer. The district court held that he had such sympathies, but acquitted him of the deed. He was then in custody by the secret service and had a time reporting obligations.”

“Thousands of matches”

“The suspects attentatsplanerna in Copenhagen in the Danish media has become known as the”

“The accused is alleged to have ordered bombmaterialet, batteries, walkie-talkies and two kitchen knives at 18 centimeters to 21-year-old in Germany – and which is therefore sentenced to six and a half years in prison.”

“the Bombers is thought to attack people at random, consider Risager.”

“During the process in Germany, it emerged that the Islamic state had brought the two men together. In communication with representatives of ICE-declared 21-year-old is also out to kill in the terrorrörelsens name.”

“the Trial begins in Copenhagen Byret, the district court, on 22 January 2019.”

“the Man denies the crime.”