trump’s Ex-campaign Manager Manafort seems to have be added to to have data for the election of 2016, passed – ironically, to a man, the Connections to Russian intelligence services accused of.

Donald trump’s former campaign Manager Paul Manafort, has passed on according to media reports, during the US election campaign 2016 campaign data to a business partner of Russian secret services. This is demonstrated, according to the Report several US media, court files, the Manaforts lawyers published on Tuesday.

U.S. special investigator Robert Mueller accused Manafort and other campaign aides of the current President Trump, collusion with Russian leaders, and to have lied about it. According to “New York Times” came the survey data and partly by a private company, worked for trump’s campaign team.

U.S. special investigator Robert Mueller is investigating the Connections Trumps to the Russian government in the election campaign of 2016.

files insufficient

blackened At the made available court documents, it was a response to the allegation, Manafort has lied to US investigators after he had agreed to make a cooperation with you. The files were blacked out by the media, according to inadequate.

had been So readable that Manafort had passed on information to his Trusted Konstantin Kilimnik. Kilimnik is said to have Links to the Russian secret service. From the response of the lawyers, according to the channel CNN that Manafort with Kilimnik discussed a peace plan for Ukraine. Kilimnik denies Connections to Russian intelligence services.

complaint about the detention circumstances

In the court-filed document has Manafort the accusation, to have the contact with Kilimnik lied. He forgot during the hectic election campaign period, only Details. The defenders also complained about the investigation. Your client is days of Interrogation, before dawn had been aroused, and then spoke normally throughout the day with investigators.

The circumstances of his imprisonment would have had a hard on Manaforts state of mind and his memory during the interviews. He was suffering from depression and anxiety and was dependent due to gout partly to the wheelchair.