Many of the employees who are insured in the case of gastro-social, the pension Fund of the former host Association, be must with a small pension to get by. On average, the Fund pays today’s pensions of 600 francs per month. The ranges of the receivers, even with the AHV hardly life – the average pension for women amounts to 1754 francs per month.
The Swiss Federation of trade unions (SGB) has analyzed the data of 14 pension funds , and is calculated, how high their average pension is. These are the funds Insured from the typical women’s professions, in particular from retail, catering, hairdressing and cosmetics industry. Together, they assure 24’242 people. Thus, the survey is not representative, but professions an insight into the occupational Pension scheme of a typical Woman.
sub-fractional and part-time
As the survey shows, the pensions, the occupational Pension scheme in the retail sector and the hairdressing industry is not much higher than in the gastronomy: The pension Fund’s Coiffure&Esthétique is paid an average of 800 Swiss francs per month, and those of Coop 1390 Swiss francs and of the Manor 1410 francs. These amounts are far removed from the Swiss average pension of 2471 francs in the year 2018.
the reason for the small pensions are not only the low wages of these industries, but also the woman typical CVS. Many interrupt their employment to care for their children, and if they take a job, work often work part-time. Exacerbate the the statutory requirements added for part of the time: Only when employees earn for one employer for more than 21’330 CHF per year, you will be included in the pension Fund. Moreover, only a part of the salary is guaranteed.
These Figures show that In the occupational Pension scheme have not improved the conditions for women fundamentally. In 2016, the Federal social insurance office and the Federal office for gender equality, have examined the pensions of women and men systematically and completely. This is on the basis of Figures from the year 2012. They came to the conclusion: a woman’s pension from the occupational Pension plan are, on average, by a whopping 63 percent lower than those of men.
Less than half
“I do not wonder that the women cry out in the face of this inequality,” says SGB Central Secretary Gabriela Medici. Not only the employed would get called in typical Women in vocational Pension lower pensions, but women in General. According to neurenten statistics of the Federal office of statistics, men receive twice as high pensions as women. And: About a third of all women and has no Pension.
The Situation of women would improve slightly if the occupational Pension scheme is reformed, as it is the unions and the employers to propose your compromise. After that Retirees received in the future, a pension Supplement, and employers and employees are paying a larger part of the wage contributions for the occupational Pension scheme. In the gastronomy of the average pension of 530 to 869 francs, in the retail trade, from 422 to 780 Swiss francs staircase as a result. From the Swiss average pension of 2471 francs, they were far but still far. Currently, the Federal office for social insurance draws up a template for the consultation process, which will be available this year.
Created: 31.10.2019, 06:13 PM