Hatice A. stands in front of a mulberry bags-Snack in the market hall Nine in Kreuzberg. No, here you’ve never eaten before. “It is sure tasty, but I can’t afford,” says the 44-Year-old with five children. You grew up here in the neighborhood and goes once a week in the Aldi-market in the market hall. Earlier, there was talk here in the hall, and met. But you can’t feel now here. Since then, the whole stands with exquisite food, had changed the audience and they would look at her scornfully. “It is as if I was a stranger here.”

And now, the Aldi to be the way, and through a drugstore chain DM replaced. Hatice A. makes you angry. The nearest Lidl is about 10 minutes walk. Belonged to the “I want to but the Aldi in the mark hall, the discounters have always been there,” she says and goes to the “Café People” on the opposite side of the road. “These are small steps, so it begins with the extrusion. Soon they ring me and tell me, I must go. Only the Aldi and then I have to.“ The Aldi is the only offer in the low price segment, and the other residents are angry over the impending loss.

“Otherwise, there’s just so things like a slice of Pizza as big as my phone, and it costs four euros.” Hatice shakes his head. Here, in the Café People-your people are sitting, you know. Right next to the hall, a new Café has opened, the drinks cost Twice as much. Behind the large window panes on two women sitting on Apple Laptops. “There’s the coffee, thinking that you are better educated to drink,” says Hatice.

“Good food for All”?

Actually, the Motto of the market hall Nine “hall for All”. On a large Banner of good food “for all.” But if the Aldi is way more to know Hatice, what you should. The charge to the operator is that they are not crowding out deliberately poorer clientele, and by the payment of a stronger audience want to replace.

“We understand that it means for the one or the other of a change”, says Nikolaus Driessen, one of the halls operator. “It is often overlooked that the prices of the discounters to the detriment of other as low. We stand in solidarity with the farmers, butchers and bakers, which are threatened by the food industry is of existential importance.” The target was feasible Alternatives to industrial agriculture and a few commercial giants have dominated the food market. Aldi, you’ll leave a gap payment.

Hatice and Bekir in the market hall Nine. Soon you will no longer be shopping here.Photo: Robert Klages

While DM is a large company, the philosophy, adapt better to the market hall no. This includes support of fair producers, and the commitment of the DM belong-founder Götz Werner for a fair cooperation and the introduction of the unconditional basic income. In addition, there have been Demands in the hall, there are also products such as baby food and cleaning products to be offered. In addition, there is a drugstore, as the DM, in combination with the food supply of the stands in the hall just with a more attractive assortment and will, in particular, to revive during the week, the business for the small traders.

No more frozen pizza and more

Finished and frozen products to wool. In the market hall, many stands with Delicatessen and regional products are otherwise to be found, rather a bit more expensive – organic and Fairtrade. A Italian bakers, Butchers, wine shops.

The market hall will also change, with more solid and could grow into a “House of Food”. Driessen is currently studying the structural requirements for the project of the Senate and the nutritional advice. A sustainable food policy is to be implemented, for which 700,000 Euro by the Land of Berlin were provided. The share of organic products is to be increased cost-neutral.

example: “House of Food” in Copenhagen

The “House of Food” is actually, in Copenhagen. It is an educational institution for canteen cooks from the community Board. “Our neighbors have done in Denmark to increase in the last two decades, the organic proportion in hospitals, schools and kindergartens to over 90 percent – without significantly more Budget for the purchase of the used food. A small Sensation!”, says Driessen.

the Berlin-based coalition to role model and want to adapt the model for Berlin. Diet politically, it was certainly the most exciting project in Germany, Driessen. You need to implement the concept in Berlin, is still to be determined. “But it would be nice if we could get the project to Kreuzberg, because it is, ultimately, the answer to Aldi: Good food for All.”

Matcha instead of Latte Macchiato

market halls-operators, according to his own statement, angry letters to the editor. The operators defend themselves against allegations that they want to displace people. We would like to offer organic quality. Anyone who wants to shop differently, search in the neighborhood still plenty of discounters.

The Aldi-market in the market hall Nine in Kreuzberg.Photo: Robert Klages

And here is a comparison of the operators: “The pretzels at Aldi costs 0.29 euros. The organic pretzels at Endorphina 1,49 euros – these are hand-made in Berlin-Neukölln. We believe that it is fair that the price of a pretzel for the Baker, the Miller and the farmer have to live with. This is at 0.29 euros?” Hatice finds, Aldi also offer organic products. And it is also not about a pretzel, but to feed the family – and the every day. Also the fruit and vegetables stalls in the hall were not favorable enough.

Also, Bekir C. lives for ten years in the vicinity of the market hall and goes to Aldi, there is already since 1977. Even the parents of his wife had purchased. In the Café People-he drinks, “Cortado”, which was also new to him, earlier he had ordered here, just “coffee”. He has talked about the changes in the neighborhood with Timur Husein, Deputy Chairman of the CDU in the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. This would like to order in the Café People a Latte Macchiato, the here but more recently, only with Matcha powder, ground green tea.

Bekir and the politicians discuss about what Matcha was, Husein tried – ordered, but rather a Turkish coffee. “The people here are partially dependent on the Aldi,” he says. “People who can’t afford so much, struggle with the change here in the neighborhood.” Aldi is a part of the General interest for these people and should be preserved. Certainly gentrification is also creating jobs, but that should not come at the expense of local residents.

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Hannes Heine

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