Around a dozen Masked barged last night into the centre of “Charles the Great” at the Kirchgasse 14, a and disrupted a political speech about the Situation in Chile. The city police of Zurich, writes in a message. The Disturbing threw eggs and liquids against the controversial speakers Axel Kaiser and the present Listening to. In addition, slogans were chanted and a Transparent spread.

The unit was came from the independence party UP (from the circle at the time, the No-Billag-Initiative – click here to read more on that) and together with other organizers. The event had been disrupted by an aggressive occurring, masked group of about 12 people, writes the party in a statement. The speaker and the individual viewers were assaulted, threatened and intimidated. In addition, explosives were used.

a Little later left the Masked men of them left the Mall and ran in different directions, writes the Stapo more. Information on casualties is not available at the moment. In this context, a variety of Displays for material are in the Zurich city police, but damage and acts of aggression received. According to the operators of the centre, “Karl der Grosse” is in the action, only a small damage emerged.

Libertarian organizer

The event around the Chilean speakers Axel Kaiser was, among other things, the Hayek Club Zurich organized, a libertarian, a Zurich Association. The lecture took place in private in the Oriel room of the municipal operation, he was not listed on the events calendar of the centre Charlemagne.

“We have nothing of the seriousness of the event known that.”Fabienne Schellenberg, “Charlemagne”

According to the Association’s “Uni from below” have to be cancelled, the organiser of the lecture, the Event out of fear of protests by the public and the University as a private room in the centre Charlemagne laid. Christian Zulliger from the Hayek Club speaks of some threats, which had led to the move. The head of the centre “Charlemagne”, Fabienne Schellenberg, says: “We knew nothing of the seriousness of the event.” You would have been informed, they would not have carried out the event.

Nevertheless, they condemned the action of the false peace. “We reject any Form of violence against people and Property, plant and equipment. The centre Charlemagne is a place that allows controversial, and not welcomed – violent actions include but to do so,” she says. The speaker Axel Kaiser critics of historical revisionism and trivialization of the military regime of Pinochet before the throw. (dsa)

Created: 07.11.2019, 11:32 PM