In may 2018 applies Matti Olofsson and his wife Marie on the planning permission to put solar panels on a villa built in 1939 in Tallkrogen. When the law on bygglovsbefrielse for photovoltaic introduced in July he thinks that everything is green. He gets 40.000 sek in solcellsbidrag from the county, and in August the 29 solar panels in place.

But in september, the refusal. Tallkrogen is classified as a garden city and one of the city’s culturally protected areas where the black solar panels on red tiled roof is considered to destroy the cityscape.

the street is not appropriate given the visibility in the cityscape and the location on the building distorts the character,” writes parks in her decision.

– But what is the unified in Tallkrogen? Check on the facades of the buildings, check at the windows, a tenth of the ceiling is black and almost all the houses are developed, and several neighbors have solar cells, ” says Matti Olofsson.

Since the panels are already sitting where they sit and the family is likely to lose at least 140,000 kroner they apply for building permits retrospectively. But city planners think only grant permission for the panels on the roof towards the garden, not the street.

the explanatory memorandum continues: ”the Black, shiny solcellsytor is a foreign material on the houses in the area” and ”solpanelernas the black color gives the impression of ‘holes’ in the roof”.

” I think the opposite that it is beautiful, it breathes the future. Oh my god, we have to develop. Who might be disturbed by it? says Matti Olofsson.

Black solar panels on the Mattis red tin roof. Photo: Magnus Hallgren

and attaches with the help of established company aerial views of the neighborhood. All this to show trädgårdsstadens houses are neither particularly small or uniform anymore. He attaches also the city of Stockholm environmental programme and the vision for 2040 of a climate-smart city.

it states that the city shall work to reduce the carbon footprint and switch to renewable energy sources and that it should be easy for the residents to live environmentally friendly.

” We motivated our appeal with the climate objective. In the Stockholm’s vision for 2040 is the jättetydligt that we have to promote solar energy. The climate must be it cultural, ” he says.

in the public interest to preserve the area’s character outweighs the individual interest, and sends the matter on to the politicians in the city planning committee.

at the end Of January, the family has a new surprising answers. They get to keep the solar arrays – of the climate.

”the Case is in line with the ambition that the climate of Stockholm. At a balance of public and individual interests, considers the city planning committee that there is the possibility to grant planning permission,” it says in the decision.

– the Decision should set a precedent for the whole of Stockholm. It is sad that it is so arbitrary who gets the building permits. Just look at all the roof areas here that we are not exploiting to the amazing sun we have, ” says Matti Olofsson.

gråmulen but still shows solelseappen that it is light enough to produce some kilowatt-hours. About two-thirds of the family’s electricity comes in the day from the solar cells.

– In February, we got to back 41 euros on your electricity bill, we sell more than we do. The ill is that we are not allowed to produce more than we do. The electricity companies are terrified of competition. Since it costs the shirt, and we get the penalty.

the Technology, therefore, provides economic incentives to reduce electricity consumption. However, the lower the family’s carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 855 tonnes per year, according to solpanelsföretaget. In addition, charging the electric car, which is parked at the house.

” It’s a great feeling when we need to use the car. Zero emissions and the electricity will come from the house. Solar cells do that, we can all contribute and reduce our emissions and carbon footprint, who might be disturbed by it, ” says Matti Olofsson.

Joakim Larsson (M) declines an interview in the issue and choose to text a comment.

”It is often possible to find solutions for solar panels, even in grönklassade areas and where are the city planners able to assist with suitable placements. Very few cases require that the board makes the decision on the solar panels and when that happens it is a case-by-case. My attitude is that it is possible to find balanced solutions that take into account both the city’s need for more renewable energy and the cultural environment.”

He is clear that Stockholm needs more solar power.

”If Stockholm is to be a klimatpositiv city year 2040, we need more renewable energy, including more solar panels. Therefore, I look with confidence on stockholmers ‘ growing interest in their own solar panels.”

Read more: He may not put black panels on its red roof

Read more: Miljöborgarrådet: ”the Climate must go before the heritage”