The British Prime Minister May fight in the EU to renegotiate the Brexit agreement. Chancellor Merkel is uncompromising and suggests a solution.

tried The, British Prime Minister, Theresa May, the new EU concessions to the Brexit from. You have arrived in Brussels to talk to EU Council President Donald Tusk and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. Already at noon, they arrived in Berlin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the new CDU leader together Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

Merkel spoke at the Meeting, apparently, again against renegotiations. “We have said that there are no further Opening of the outlet agreement,” said Merkel, according to information from the German press-Agency in the Union group.

in their view, it was a good exit agreement and a good Text for the design of future relationships. Her goal was that both agreements would be implemented. At the outlet agreement there is from their point of view, no options for Change.