Since the prime minister in march closed large parts of the society because of the coronakrisen, have MCH-group lost 95 percent of its revenue, writes TV MIDTVEST.
All MCH-events have since the crisis started has been either canceled or postponed.
Now, MCHs leadership as to meeting in Herning Municipality’s Economy and Erhvervsudvalg to try to find solutions to the acute lack of money. According to the company’s managing director, Georg Sørensen, the problems are so deep that they require urgent help to get out of the crisis.
– It is so serious, as it can be. We have been put in a situation where our business has been put down, says Georg Sørensen.
According to the TV MIDTVESTs information is missing the company at the present time more than 50 million kroner in order to cope with this crisis.
the MCH group, which is behind the MCH Messecenter Herning, MCH Herning Kongrescenter, MCH Arena and Jyske Bank Boxen, sent in march 228 out of 259 employees home on state stimulus packages.
the Group comes otherwise from a healthy financial place and set in 2018 and 2019 regnskabsrekord.
But even though the company is according to the latest accounts has an equity capital of 133 million dollars, says the director, that the MCH does not come through the crisis without financial help.
– If we do not get outside help, so it can have a huge impact. We need help, says director Georg Sørensen.
Coronakrisen have in total resulted in 39 canceled or postponed events for the MCH, it appears on the group’s website. At the same time is the calendar full of events, there remains uncertainty about the.
Herning Municipality is together with the company Agromek the two major owners of the company behind the MCH. The municipality owns 45 percent of the MCH, while New stands for 31 percent. The rest is spread in several smaller owners.
Therefore hope mayor Lars Krarup, too, that the parties can work together to find a good solution to the economic problems, when they meet on Monday in the finance and Economy committee for trade and industry.
– We see the seriousness with the situation, but also our responsibilities, and we will therefore also have to go far to find a solution, ” says Lars Krarup to the TV MIDTVEST.
the MCH is one of Scandinavia’s largest exhibition grounds and every year attracts around one million visitors.
– the Exhibition centre is one of the crown jewels for us, and this is why it is incredibly important that we get talked about now, what can we do to save the Exhibition centre in Herning, says Lars Krarup.
There are various solutions on the table to what the municipality together with the other owners can do to rescue the MCH.
But there is not any one of them, that are light, stresses the mayor, Lars Krarup.
– I hope that we will be able to give some liquidity to the exhibition centre, together with the other owner, he says.
After the meeting of the finance committee on Monday hope Lars Krarup, municipality and the other major owner Agromek has come closer to a concrete solution.