The conservative energiordfører Orla Østerby attacking partikollega Mette Abildgaard, after she on her Facebook said that she was been kicked out of the folketingssalen of chairman Pia Kjærsgaard.
the Danish policy – 19. mar. 2019 – at. 15:13 Pia K. throw the baby out of the folketingssalen
This writes the
In an email to its partikollegaer, as the has seen, writes Orla Østerby:
‘I don’t understand, it is necessary to go out on Facebook and exhibiting the president of the Danish parliament. It is also not in order to exhibit the Parliamentary officer at Facebook. All Mette’s story is, in my opinion, a lack of respect for Parliament.’
the Danish policy – 19. mar. 2019 – at. 21:09 Mette Abildgaard thrown out with the baby: Here are the politicians ‘ reactions
the Case caused a furor, as Pia Kjærsgaard (DF) on Tuesday indicated that Mette Abildgaard took her baby into the folketingssalen, when put to the vote. Subsequently wrote the conservative folketingspolitiker on Facebook that she had been kicked out of the folketingssalen.
the has been trying to get a detailed comment from Orla Østerby, but through the conservative press office reported that he did not have anything to add. The same applies to Mette Abildgaard.
Karen Thisted: Out of the guard with the child! Pia K. did it just right