Bruges was last weekend, an attraction richer when a pig suddenly walk went to the leash along the Ramparts. A striking sight for a lot of passers-by, but not for Silke Muysewinkel (24) and wife to Tim. The torque from Buggenhout provides for three years already, for the little pig and take it anywhere. “Bacon can even jump through the hoop and listens to commands. It is a very smart animal,” smiles Silke.
No, an everyday sight was the not last weekend. A lot of hikers watched, surprised, when she suddenly a man saw passing with … a pig on a leash along the Ramparts. The pig turns out to be a Göttinger minivarken and is the property of Silke and Tim from Buggenhout. “How we work with our pig in Bruges ended up? My in-laws have a country where we regularly take a weekend stay. And yes, Bacon always goes with them”, smiles Silke. The cute little pig proves remarkably enough, a lot of. Sit or lie down on command? No problem. Jump through the hoop? Also that can of Bacon perfectly.