In the coming time, it becomes necessary that the EU countries will bend against each other to reach an agreement on the EU’s next langtidsbudget and a genopretningsfond after coronakrisen.

But it still looks hard out. It says the German chancellor Angela Merkel for a digital summit with the EU heads of state and government on Friday.

– All said, what they think, is positive (by the EU-Commission’s proposal red.) and that, of course, also points of criticism.

It was clear that we would not reach a result today. There is a great distance on several points and many questions, she says.

the Meeting on Friday was, according to Merkel in a constructive manner, and she is satisfied with the ‘grundarkitekturen’ in the EUROPEAN Commission’s proposal for a genopretningsfond.

But there are still missing answers to some questions in relation to the fund.

It is among other things, on the basis of calculations of how large a share of the genopretningsfonden the individual member states should have.

– Many member states are asked: Is the database on which the figures refer to, correct?

– It is too much about arbejdsmarkedstallene for the years 2015-2019. Is this the right parameter to assess the contribution of the individual member states?

– I have also expressed my doubts as to whether this is the only one which should be the key number, says Angela Merkel.

the EUROPEAN Commission has proposed an increased EU-budget of 1100 billion euros, equivalent to 8200 billion.

In addition to the draft budget, the EU-Commission a genopretningsfond 750 billion euros.

Two-thirds – about 500 billion euros – will be given to the member states, as support. The last third as loans.

the Fund will be financed by the EUROPEAN Commission borrows money on behalf of the EU countries on the financial markets by issuing bonds.

the EU countries, according to Merkel agreed that it is a good model.

– No one has questioned the principle that the EU Commission should borrow money from the market, she says.

Angela Merkel has stated that she would like to see that landing an agreement on the next long-term budget and the EU’s genopretningsfond before the summer recess.

The president of the French republic Emmanuel Macron agree. He wants to maintain the ‘momentum’ and secure an agreement as soon as possible.

the Common requirements of France and Germany is the size of the genopretningsfonden.

It is ’top priority’ for the countries that 500 billion euros of the fund will be given in support to member states.

the EU’s heads of state and government will meet for the spatial summit on the EU budget and fund in mid-July, says EU president Charles Michel on Friday.