Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) holds the weekly climate protests by students for a “very good Initiative”. “I Podcast very much support, students for climate protection go to the streets and fight for it,” said Merkel in her Saturday broadcast weekly Video. “We can reach our climate protection goals only if we also have the backing of society.” The Chancellor advertised but understand that some things don’t go as fast as the students wished for this, about the Coal phase-out. “I must point out, however, as the head of government also noted that we need to keep in mind many things: We have to reconcile jobs and economic strength on the one hand with the objectives of climate protection.”

The government had therefore set up the coal Commission, which was composed of all sectors of society and the “come to a common stance”. “We decided to 2038 to plan and manage predictable, the Coal phase-out in Germany,” said Merkel. The notes from the perspective of the students, perhaps for a very long time, “but it is very and I, to understand this”.

In Germany, are gathering currently, under the Motto of “Fridays for Future” every Friday in many cities, pupils and students during class time to protest against lack of measures against climate change. The demonstrations are not without controversy, since they take place during school time. As Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU) recently said, reject the student strikes during the teaching time. (nlu/afp)

Created: 02.03.2019, 11:29 PM