The Federal government’s strategy for artificial intelligence (AI) to bring Germany on a par with the leading AI Nations USA and China. Many Details are still unclear. On the digital summit, the Federal government, the Chancellor argues for a third way between the USA and China, especially in data protection. Economy Minister Altmaier, is pushing his Plan to develop a German-French AI-project. the Jannis Brühl, Nürnberg Jannis Brühl

Jannis Brühl, born in Nuremberg, is head of the digital Department. Studied politics and American studies in Erlangen, Germany and Portland, Oregon. Internship at, then staff in the Economics Department. Won with the SZ-volunteers of the guard price of German daily press for the project “weapons in Germany”. In 2013, Arthur F. Burns-fellow the editors of ProPublica in New York. By 2015, a correspondent for the North Rhine-Westphalia in Cologne and Düsseldorf.

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Federal Minister for economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier (CDU) paints on the Podium in a good mood, as he sends in a robot-Butler to get a Beer. The many find in the hall of “Tokyo” of the Nuremberg exhibition centre for the Laugh. The good mood of all visitors to the digital summit, where the Federal government is applying its strategy for the development of artificial intelligence, i.e. self-learning Software. The Bundestag member Anke Domscheit-Berg eats between two Panels Franconian sausages with Sauerkraut and says: “This is a pure event between economic peaks and politics, with virtually no civil society.” The government had apparently little desire to involve Parliament: “Even we of the KI-Enquete Commission of the Bundestag were to invite us.”

representatives of companies are many, it is a lot of money. KI is regarded by many as the most important technology since the steam engine, Altmaier used for the comparison. In November, the government published their AI strategy. Accordingly, 100 new AI will be created professorships, and by 2025 around three billion euros. New Details on the implementation of the strategy on the digital summit, is not known, it is rather a question of organization and government, on the target coordinate: With money from the state and coordination between research, politics and the economy to the world top of the AI-Nations

this competition is pushing Altmaier, a European solution: “We need a kind of Airbus in the AI,” he says at the summit. He says the success of the under German-French leadership of the aircraft manufacturer. A single European company could not record it in the future key technology AI with Trbet the US technology sizes, Europe must join forces. AI-experts criticize the strategy, however, is that their focus is on European solutions, but at the same time, a Label called “Artificial intelligence made in Germany” is to be established.

Digital strategy

Federal government wants to put billions into the technology race

self-driving cars, learning machines, communicating robots: Germany is investing in digital projects, because the backlog is getting bigger and bigger. By Markus Balser

industry and politics Hand-in-Hand, the double-a Keynote speech by Achim Berg, Chairman of the industry Association Bitkom, in the of the Telekom up to Google practically every relevant Tech companies, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). Berg explains how good it is over in Germany: unemployment rate and crime rate to be extremely low, in front of his Ministers and their Boss, ruled well, and the Lonely Planet guide the country to find really exciting. In this hymn of praise, he Packed lobby wishes to his Nachrednerin: The “e-privacy”-regulation of the EU, which regulates the handling of web pages with data about your visitors to be tracked, should not damage IT-companies. And the new mobile radio standard 5G no man and no Fox need in the German forest. Forced to the nationwide Expansion of mountain rejects.

Merkel contradicts the mountain indirectly, 5G reception should not only be on the highway and in large cities: “Not everywhere you need to the quality of the sound of the Berlin Philharmonic, but at least the sounds should be heard.”

In terms of AI has Silicon Valley created long-facts

Shortly before that, Deutsche Telekom CEO Timotheus Höttges was angry briefly, some of the top visitors and more Twitter users than he had said about nationwide 5G: “these are private jets that anyone can get, but no one asks the question, how to do it.” So seriously that wasn’t meant to be, a shortage immediately and the was a “cynical remark” from him. The target of his provocation of the beside him Andreas Scheuer. The Minister for digital infrastructure puts pressure on the mobile companies, which include many dead spots in Germany. Want to turn

In terms of AI, has created the Silicon Valley long facts. Self-learning Software from Google and Facebook is becoming more and more powerful, thanks to the gigantic Silos of data and photos, these corporations have. You can buy the best researchers of the field, of course, the Germans. However, Berlin wants to do with the 100 new professors something. It is questionable, however, whether there are within the field of all new talent for those positions.

In her speech, says Merkel the importance of dealing with data, so that the digitization for the people and not Vice versa. It promotes a kind of third way between the Chinese Surveillance System and the US-American model in the organization with user data in the end could do what they wanted. If people are not just suppliers of data, then the “in the Endkonseqeunz the destruction of the individuality of thought”. The European data protection regulation, with its complicated rules for dealing with personal information, although in this country is controversial, but outside of Europe, many as a role model. Not always, Merkel has so significantly to the protection of the data.

The Chancellor, speaking in your speech about how you’ve learned Blamagen avoid the topic of digitization. In 2013, she had referred to the Internet as “Neuland”. It is a “Shitstorm”, as Merkel says. Many citizens and activists perceived it as a sign of incompetence to talk about a technology that was long ago everyday life. The “frontier”, would you say today, says Merkel, but rather: “not-yet-paced Terrain”. Because a good mood prevailed again in the hall. The implementation of the AI strategy is tough and stressful enough.