There has been time in the social media, after it emerged that the 18-year-old Mia had been fired for eating a kanelsnegl from the supermarket in Ebeltoft in denmark, she was employed in.

the Waves are gone high, and both the supermarket and Mia have given their version of what happened in the shop since the 18-year-old was fired from her job, which she loved.

Now has a grocery store from Hylke in Skanderborg, denmark posted a video already has been viewed over 40,000 times, where he shows, how they have it with kanelsnegle ‘out in the country’.

– We have enough not so many rules and structures out here in the country, ” says Brian Mossalski Nielsen 49 years, working as a merchant in the store.

In the video, it can be seen that there are several kanelsnegle back on the shelves, because the staff have eaten them, something which the merchant takes quite quiet.

– It is no lie when we say that we pay for their coffee or lunch and cake, we do it, and you may eat it here, he says.

He does not want as such to provoke with the video and acknowledges that of course is different in a large group and his shop.

– It is the two very different groups, and the video is also made to show the difference between us. It is to make a bit of satire, he says with a laugh.

With Brian, there are slightly different rules for kanelsnegle. Private

At the grocery store in Hylke there is a slightly different rule than in the supermarket

– With us being almost fired, if you don’t eat a kanelsnegl.

But even though the whole thing is fun, understand the merchant well, there must be rules.

If her version is true, it is absolutely grotesque, but there is always two sides of a case, and there must be some rules for the workplace, he says.

He seems, however, that it sounds absurd that you can be fired for eating a kanelsnegl.

– Yes, it seems I am good enough.

Brian Nielsen has been very surprised, how many of you have already seen the video.

– It is totally wild, and the staff thinks it is funny.

in Fact, Brian and the rest of the store, that the idea is so fun that they are considering to give free kanelsnegle to their customers by the next event they hold.