“Military and ”Sverigevän” prosecuted in pedofilhärva”

“I Tried to take rid of the weapons then he would be arrested”

“A man started fighting with the police. Another started crying and said that his life was ended. A third felt the self-loathing.”

“The three men were socially well-established but had a secret in common – they paid to see the sexual abuse of children.”

“The three, a military, a ”Sverigevän” and a high-income earners, are being prosecuted in a tangle with a woman who sold her own children.”

“the Police have nystat up a new pedofilhärva with twelve children, six adults, now stands accused.”

“in Total, there about 100 suspicions of crimes of which most of the abuse on the internet. Children have been induced to take of themselves naked and perform sexual acts in front of a camera. But there are also suspicions of physical abuse.”

“One of the defendants is a fembarnsmamma earned money to let two of their children are being exploited.”

“The investigation shows that the woman lived in straitened economic circumstances. When she had jobs, she sometimes sold sex.”

“And during the period of may 2013 until december 2017 she has earned 54 000 sek to have sold children to three different men. “

“Tried to grab the weapon from the police.”

“One of the accused men worked in the armed Forces. The police struck when the man in his car, which he had just parked, had both a mobile phone and tablet turned on.”

“the Military immediately went to the counter and started wrestling with the one scout who several times declared that he was a police officer. The military even tried to take rid of the weapons.”

“In his avrapporterings-pm wrote to the scout on the arrest:”

“, ”When he got hold of my pistolkolv and began to tear in this distributed I two distraktionsslag against his face after which I got the grip around his body and managed to get him down on the ground. On the ground I took from him his mobile phone that he still held in his left hand.””

“During a search of the military found the cops a hiding in a cabinet. Through a small hole, place a switch, they could see an envelope. When they, with the help of a chisel got up the cabinet, they found much more which confirmed the suspicions.”

“There were several pairs of barntrosor, lube, usb-memories with the both videos and photos with child porn. And a mobile phone and a lot of numbers written on post-it notes.”

“the Military admits large parts of the allegations in the hearing. The arrest he claims that he found the scout as a robber.”

“He says he previously had a deep depression in connection with his wife became ill, he became impotent. He then began to search out on the internet and came in contact with fembarnskvinnan. He began to buy sex from her and then ”cam shows”, the actions of her naked children in front of the camera in the computer in real-time. The mother saw to make movies with the children that was put on the usb sticks he bought.”

“”Will beat the crap out of me””

“another man with a skyddsklassat work which is also suspected of having used the current children for sexual posering, described the investigation as ”Sverigevän”. Among other things he has profile pictures with Swedish flags on social media. He was also suspected to have bought a variety of barntrosor that the police found at the raid at his home.”

“When he was arrested, he started crying and the police summed up what he said in the first interrogation:”

“”His friends will beat the crap out of him, he hang out in circles with people who think about Sweden and stuff.””

“the Man also began to express suicidal thoughts:

“– I may as well take my car and drive performs a precipice.”

“”Feel strong self-loathing””

“A third accused man is high-income earners and the socially well-established as the other two. He is suspected of having paid for that the children would respond in real time in front of the camera on his instruction. He’s charged even for having tafsat on a baby-sitting service, a 14-year-old girl who would sleep over. “

“He has also conceded large parts. An interrogation is said ”that the whole of this process crushes him. He says that he breaks inwardly of all of this. He feels a strong self-contempt.””

“the Prosecutor Emelie Källfelt said in connection with the prosecution of the men came in last week:

“– We see that there is a trade patterns with the children as we had previously primarily associated with international matters. All of the suspects and the victim in this case is English.”

“She describes the works which the children were forced to grossly humiliating and that humiliation has been reinforced by everything documented.”