“Miljövarningen: Billions of cigarette butts thrown on the ground – each year, the”
“To throw his cigarette butt on the ground may seem innocent to some, but the fact is that cigarettes and its plastinnehåll makes it the world’s most common debris, writes CNN.”
“In Sweden every year, a billion cigarette butts on the ground, according to figures from the Keep Sweden tidy. “
“Many people know that plastsugrör and plastic bags are big villains in our society but there is still a pollution which includes plastics, which are an even bigger problem – namely, the cigarettfiltret.”
“cigarette butts are the world’s most strewn objects. To throw a cigarette butt on the ground is the most accepted form of littering, according to the world health organization.”
“– Many smokers assume that the filters are made of a biodegradable material, ” says Elizabeth Smit, who works with tobacco control at the University of California San Francisco, says CNN.”
“the Fact is that cigarettfiltret is made of cellulose acetate, a type of plastic which can take up to a decade to break down. “
“It produced approximately 6 trillion cigarettes in a year and 90% of them contain plastfilter, writes CNN. It is more than a million tons of plastic. “
“According to the organization Keep Sweden tidy the ports a billion cigarette butts on our streets and squares each year in Sweden. And under the Clean up the World, a global organisation, is disposed approximately 4 500 billion butts on the ground every year around the world. “
“the city has introduced fines”
“In some countries you get fined if you cigarette butts on the ground, but not in Sweden – with the exception of the town of Trelleborg where it is punishable with a fine if you throw cigarette butts, or snuff in the street. In addition, some individual places, like the beaches, smoking bans to address litter. “
“at the EUROPEAN level have introduced regulations that require the tobacco industry to take responsibility. New rules allowing them to be responsible for the financing of., the provision of public ashtrays and waste management, and labelling of cigarette packets that they contain environmentally harmful plastics.”
“Meadhbh Bolger, who works for the organization Friends of the earth, says the laws are an important first step but wants the state governments to set higher goals than that, writes CNN.”
” We hope that they will realize that it is more important to have a planet we can live on than to see the tobacco industry’s interest.”