Kobberbakkeskolen in Næstved are in financial difficulties. By the end of February, the figures in the financial statements of crimson, and the deficit is 11 million dollars.

It shows the school’s interim financial statements for 2018/2019, which Ekstra Bladet has had access to.

But it was already in 2017, it began to look problematic for the school, which is Næstved Municipality’s offer for children with special needs. Then came their additional consumption on the 3.492.007 crowns.

Inspection of the file shows that during the same period used the school just over 200,000 dollars on travel for students and management. The trip went among others to London and Italy, while the school management was sent on a course called ‘From self-criticism to self-esteem’ on the island of Crete.

The huge deficit means that the school can not hire temporary workers, to fill 11 vacant lærestillinger or buy more office supplies. In addition, the school has dropped to 7.5 posts. It is apparent from a statement of the school’s consumption.

the School has around 1800 students and 350 employees.

Kobberbakkeskolens travel 2017-2018

Trip to New Zealand in February 2017 for ‘Familieklassen’ – 46.341,21 crowns.

attended courses on the island of Crete February 2017 ‘From self-criticism to self-esteem’ – 86.000 dollars.

the Trip to Italy september 2017 for ‘Familieklassen’ – 24.181,97 crowns.

the Trip to London for four people 22/05/18 to 25/05/18 – 23.386,69 crowns.

the Trip to London for four people – 27/02/18 to 03/03/18 – 25.148,19 the crowns.

In total for travel 2017 2018 205.058,06 crowns.

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Although the school is drowning in debt, it will not have to reckon with a life buoy from the Galway city Council. According to the president of the Children’s and Skoleudvalget, Lars Jump Søe (RV), the school must pay for the overconsumption.

– the level of Service at the school has been far beyond what was actually afford. Many of the posts have been closed, should never have been occupied. Management there has not been a track on it that has taken place, says Lars Jump.

however, It is not certain that there will be placed a responsibility for the school’s deficit.

– I have previously stated, it is important that we have placed a responsibility. It was a closed point at the last committee meeting, so I can’t reference further, says the president.

Annika Yorkshire was the principal of the Kobberbakkeskolen, was on sick leave in september 2018 and fired in november of the same year. She would not comment on the deficit to Ekstra Bladet.

She says, however, that her resignation from the Kobberbakkeskolen has nothing with economy to do, and that she is subject to professional secrecy.

Klaus Da Cunha joined 1. February in years as a school principal, and he has therefore not been to set out the school’s economic course. But according to him, sailed the budget is already at his accession.

– Our over-consumption because we have had many langtidsssygemeldte employees, which was later terminated. In addition, we have been for many people to do the job, says the new head of the graduate school for the Extra Magazine.

– the Entire management and the overview of the Kobberbakkeskolens economy this school year have not been present, he states.

the head teacher considers, however, that the missions in 2017 and 2018 have any significant influence on the bad economy.

– With an economy of 150 million 250.000 dkk to the education and training to employees not extravagant or out of the number, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

In the financial statements for the 2017/2018 said the original budget for the school year on 79.299.712 crowns.


– We acted in good faith

Henrik Bang Andersen, who was president of the school board in 2017-2018 and is the current vice president, does not believe that the board could have acted differently.

– You were president of the school board in 17/18, where the school came out with a deficit of 3.5 million dollars. What went wrong?

I am actually not. But much of it, that is expensive on such a school, is specialbørn. It is difficult to forecast, because you can suddenly run the risk, to a from a normalklasse in special offers. Suddenly the pupil more expensive than budgeted.

In 2017, the money is mainly spent on the vikarlønninger, which has been assessed as too high.

– We started with a study about it with the new school principal. As I said, is the issue about the specialbørn.

– In the same year was spent over 200,000 dollars on trips abroad, of which 86.000 dollars was spent on management courses in Crete. How justified the school board on the cost?

It was the municipality’s HR department, who sent the leaders on the course.

– But what about the remaining travel?

– I can’t remember the accounts so carefully, so I can’t comment. However, it was discussed what it was something with the travel.

– you Will define it as inappropriate, in that there was used money on travel?

– and I will not comment on. Much of what goes wrong in such a school, they are here specialbørn, which is extremely difficult to forecast. If a child should be in a specialophold, it can suddenly cost a million for a single child. It is that the money must be found and not on the small items, even though it is a lot of money.

the school board is not a responsibility to be budgeted properly?

– Yes, but we can only act from what we are told.

– So you think the school board has been poorly informed?

– There has been a lot of fuss. But I will not comment further on it. One can safely say that there has been a general lack of information.

In retrospect the clear light, should the school board have acted differently?

– I can’t say whether we would have acted differently. We acted out from the knowledge we had. We have been in good faith.