Britta Nielsen took an extensive network of bank accounts, as she carried out the fraud, which is now over up in at least 120,6 million. kr.

according to an audit examination, there has kulegravet the case.

‘In the period from 1993 to 2018 are there in total identified 66 accounts, which belong to BN (Britta Nielsen, ed.), distributed on nine Danish financial institutions or betalingskortudstedere,’ says the report prepared by the audit firm PwC.

In connection with the comprehensive study, however, failed to identify the statements for all of Britta Nielsen’s 66 accounts.

‘PwC received bank statements for identified accounts for the period 1993-2018 and has received a total of statement of account for 37 of the BN’s identified accounts. In this regard, it is stated that it has not been possible for the BN’s banking relationships to provide all bank statements for the 66 identified accounts, which is why there is the possibility that there exist transfers that we haven’t been able to identify during our analysis.’

the Study also found that the fraud is more extensive than previously thought. According to PwC, there is talk of fraud, for the button 121 million. kr. Previously the amount sounded at 111 million. kr. Revisionsundersøgelsen points out, however, that the fraud, at the very least been going on since 1993.

According to the survey, the majority of Britta Nielsen’s fraud happened ’through the establishment and payment of subsidies to fictitious projects and associations in the period up to 2015.’

Britta Nielsen was employed in the national board of social services from 1977. She is charged with aggravated fraud, which is punishable by up to eight years in prison.


– from 2002 to 2018 – managed according to the police charges for the 64-year-old Britta Nielsen to move at least 111 million from Socialstyrelsens boxes for their own pockets.

was arrested in south Africa on 5. november and arrived to Denmark 9. november, where she was remanded in custody.

by december, she chose voluntarily to extend his pre-trial detention up to 15. January. Here, she chose again on a voluntary basis to extend the remand.

for fraud of aggravated nature, punishable by up to eight years in prison.

Samina, Jamilla and Jimmy Hayat, is charged with gross handling of stolen goods, that can provide up to six years in prison.

today on the free foot, while Jimmy, like his mother still is in custody. He refuses guilty just like her sisters.

Kian Omid Mirzada, 37, was earlier this year also charged with gross handling of stolen goods in the big information about. He refuses also guilty

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