Saturday night was ambulanceredder Rico Wind Mathiesen enough.
a Daily basis, he experiences namely, how the nurses and social and health care assistants in the Sydvestjyst Hospital in Esbjerg runs so strong that they go hungry, bored and stressed home from their guard.
A guard, where it can sometimes be difficult just to achieve the simple things such as lunch and toileting – and, not least, the proper care and handling of patients.
Therefore, put Rico Wind Mathiesen up Saturday down and wrote directly to the innovation Sophie Løhde (V) on Facebook, where he yells, sounding the alarm on behalf of her colleagues in health care
the Extra Leaf has Wednesday been in contact with just Sophie Løhde, that tells, her reading of Rico Wind Mathiesens open letter to her.
The 35-year-old Left-politician recognises that the health sector has a problem when the employees go crying home from work.
she writes in an email to Ekstra Bladet.
‘No need to be sick to go to work, and it is deeply unfair that public employees have a higher risk of sick leave than employees in the private sector. We have, therefore, in the government among the second set 145 million of a sygefraværspakke with a number of initiatives to help reduce sickness absence among employees in the public sector.’
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Nurses go crying home from work, warns Rico Wind Mathiesen in an open letter to the minister of health Sophie Løhde. Private/Facebook
Far from reality
The 40-year-old ambulanceredder deepened on Tuesday his criticism of innovationsministeren to Ekstra Bladet. He believes that politicians live too far away from the sygehuspersonalets reality.
– We experience simply that they are confronted with more patients, than what good is. I lack the recognition that many of the hospitals are under pressure, and that it is the reality we are in, says Rico Wind Mathiesen.
But the criticism is Sophie Løhde, however, do not agree.
‘I am fully aware that there is running strong in several places in the healthcare system, where without a doubt you can use multiple hot hands. Since the summer of 2015, we have also the promise healthcare with more than six billion dollars, and in the same period, there are employed 1000 extra doctors and 500 more nurses in health care’, writes innovationsministeren.
‘As a part of our sundhedsudspil we will allocate 6 billion. kr. in a new Nærhedsfond, who must give an extraordinary boost to the close health care. The money – which comes in addition to the funds that would otherwise be allocated to the health sector in the coming years – to bl.a. be used for more health professionals in the municipalities, several ambulances, akutbiler and akutlægebiler’, she continues.
the Government came 16. January a proposal for a new health care reform.
Overview: Loop sundhedsudspil
the Government sets out two specific objectives with a new health-care reform:
– More patients to be treated locally, so there must be over 500,000 fewer sygehusbesøg and 40,000 fewer hospital admissions in the year 2025.
– It is especially chronically ill patients, much more needs to be treated by physicians in the local sundhedshuse.
the Remedy is to abolish the five regions, and guys the 205 regionspolitikere to replace them with three layers:
– at the Top will be a state body called the ’Health service of Denmark’ under the ministry of Health, which stands for economy, it and governance.
– In the middle of five health services, which geographically fits in with the current regions. The administrations will be responsible for the operation of hospitals, ambulanceberedskabet and praksisområdet.
– the Closest to the citizens must be 21 new so-called sundhedsfællesskaber, which will be built up around the local hospitals around the country. Communities need to ’build the bridge’ between practitioners, municipalities and hospitals.
at the same time, the government will ensure the patients better rights with a series of actions:
Hospitals will be obliged to send patients on to treatment elsewhere, if the hospitals cannot offer treatment within a period of 30 days.
– Patientvejledningen must be improved by means of a single, unified patientnummer, which you can call to get guidance and help.
– when the woman should have the right to be admitted 48 hours in the hospital or a patient hotel.
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