” I had a happy school, with good teachers and classmates and I learned very much. It began in Farsta, in a suburb where most of them came from non-traditional learners. Then I moved to Bromma and went from a poor to a rich area. The amazing thing was that I had learned just as much in Farsta as one of my classmates in Bromma. Where do I want to take the Swedish school system again.

” We will do what we can to results should continue upwards. Then have the segregation in the school broken. There are a number of the proposals as shown in the januariavtalet and we in the government should sit down with the Liberals and the Centre party and see what we can do. Required experienced teachers in all the classrooms and then we can, for example, have specific lönesatsningar for schools in disadvantaged areas.

” the Programme is on my desk right now. It’s all about too many schools lack the trained manpower and also to strengthen the upper secondary vocational programmes. More instructors should be competent, and learning at the workplace should be developed.

mental ill health is increasing, especially among young women and girls. All have not with the school to do, but the school can do a lot. We want to strengthen student health. We also want to make about the grading system so that students may ämnesbetyg, which means that each course not be decisive for the grade. The government will also take forward a proposal that the teachers should be able to make a weight of evidence approach, rather than that the learner will need to meet each individual criterion to get a certain score.

” We have seen a pleasing rise in recent times but is not yet up on the same level as in the 90’s. One important thing is that the teacher is competent and may focus on what they are best at: teaching. For it to go, we must protect the classroom. Too much energy is going into keeping the order. We have also gained a certain amount of kundmentalitet in the school, that teachers are the providers of the score of the students ‘and parents’ eyes, and it is in some cases also a such pressure from the school administration. Here I stand on the teachers ‘ page, I want to create simple rules and criteria that are easy to apply.

– for example, It can be such a thing as the principal informs the parents how it is in the class, so that they can take their share of responsibility for the pupils contributes to a good environment. We in the social democrats went to the election on ordningskontrakt and that we should try to get support in the parliament. We also want to develop a national plan for the protection and study environment, which can be a support for teachers.

” the Disciplinary action must not have the character of punishment, it stands in the education act. When it comes to mobile phones, we think that the starting point should be to not have them in the classrooms, but that teachers should be able to decide that the students may use them. We also want a student to be able to get to change schools more easily than in the day, if it does not work. It can of course be felt as a punishment for the student, but the aim should always be to create and maintain studieron.

– Increased elevkullar do that the school is growing and it means that we need even more teachers, but also other professionals in the school. I want to relieve the teachers from other work than teaching. For example, you can have teaching assistants who perform some work that does not require teaching qualifications to perform, but also social workers in the school who perform a part of the social work that the teachers get to spend as much time in the day.

” I think that parents and students shall have the right to choose, but there is a great need to revise the parts of the skolvalet as it is designed today. Segregation is increasing and it is about housing but also about the way that we have set up the free skolvalet. For example we want to sample not only be based on the waiting list. It disadvantages those who are late born, new residents and those who simply do not have such a great track.

– My party went to the election on that limit the the profits, but in the januariavtalet, we have agreed not to pursue the matter and the agreement we are going to keep. On the other hand we as a party still accepting. It stings, of course, for me, but it is a price I think is worth to pay. There are so many other things in the januariavtalet which is good.

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Bet on the language stopped stöket in the school.

”Failed to use force against unruly pupils”

Read more about the school