you are writing, modeling, photography, drawing. What connects everything for you?

I don’t do art, because I’m okay with that. Through my work I come in contact with other people, with whom I can talk differently with family members, with friends who have died, or Ex-Partner.

Certain people appear again and again in your photos and drawings. What is the role of Community for you?

In my projects I often work with friends: When other go for a drink, we will make photos! I’m trying to gather the queer, feminist and left-wing people around me. In the area of the Aktzeichnens there are Attempts to make the work horizontally. With the painter David Hedderman and the Illustrator, Yuka Tanaka, I offer Workshops in which we only model but also guide and yourself to sign. In the modeling Jobs is difficult.

daily mirror people


order it Was a bad experience?

Unfortunately in the modeling industry is hardly diversity. The photographers are mostly older white men with expensive Equipment. Within a loose group of Models, we use a “Safety List” of the persons are noted, in a negative way: By sexually grip or not-fixing of the recording area. It is frightening to see that there are always new, inexperienced Models in the scene appear and then disappear, because something Bad has happened to you.

How do you disseminate your work?

I mainly use Instagram. Because I like that it offers a mass of people, a democratic platform for their art. On the other hand, there is a monopoly of large corporations. And a – gender – censorship goes hand in hand: men are not allowed to show their nipples, women. I know artists whose Accounts have been deleted from one day to the other completely. I have been spared for the most part. Maybe it’s because my pictures of the artist are more likely to be – even if many Users*read as pornographic. For me they are, if anything, sensual. I want to make Connections between people tangible.

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Tumblr prohibits Ü18-content Why do I see only white naked?

Stefan Mesch

+++ This is a sample reading from the queer mirror-the Newsletter of the daily mirror – click here for the registration +++

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