Actress Sarah Hyland does not lack money.

In the successful comedy series ‘Modern Family’, where she plays the fun-loving Haley Dunphy, and she’ll earn in the environs of 70,000 dollars per. section (approximately 450.000 kroner, ed.).

Now her fans gone crazy, because she asked her Twitter followers on støttedonationer to his 14-year-old cousin Trevor Canadays funeral.

Sarah Hyland reportedly have a fortune of nine million dollars. Photo credit: Nicky Nelson

‘yesterday (1. december, red.) was my 14-year-old cousin was killed by an under the influence of alcohol motorist’, wrote the actress on his Twitter profile on Sunday.

Twitter-the advertisement has a 28-year-old Sarah Hyland included a link to a ‘GoFundMe’page where one can donate his money.

But even if it is not the actress herself, who has made the donation page, but Trevor Canadays mother, Becky Canaday, raging her followers anyway. They believe she will have to pay the bill.

– It is strange that you ask people for money. I hope that you help your family, since you have more resources than those who donate, write an angry follows.

A second follows writes:

– It is sad. But you can’t even pay for the funeral?

The violent reactions have now got Sarah Hyland to withdraw from social media indefinitely.

‘Your nasty and negative comments have made me sad. Are you satisfied? I will be offline for the next while’, she writes.

Trevor Canaday sat Saturday in the family car together with his father, Bryan. They were suddenly torpedoed by a drunk driver, and Trevor died. The father survived the accident.