“Murder in Långshyttan at the Madeleine, 61”

“Mördargängets chaotic time in jail”

“The five friends were sentenced for having murdered Madeleine, 61”

“Martin Broling, 24, and his four friends were sentenced to long prison terms for the murder of 61-year-old Madeleine in Långshyttan.”

“the Gang’s time behind the walls has been troubled with fights, rule violations, and isolation. “

“Martin Broling has also been of note since he signed with the nazi propaganda in his cell.”

“On 17 June 2016 were treated to a 61-year-old Madeleine to a barbecue by some friends. She said yes and went straight into a mordfälla. “

“Madeleine and her friends grilled at an idyllic lake. They took pictures of each other with mobile phones. On the pictures the see the gang out to have fun. They hold each other and toast with ciderburkar. “

“Madeleine was photographed alone at the water’s edge. In the short black skirt, white jacket and a glittering necklace she stood leaning against a fence. “

“It is the last picture of her alive. “

“After this go the gang in the road in a red Volvo. Madeleine sits in baksätets in the middle – surrounded by the gang. In total there are seven people in the car. Two in the front seat, three in the back seat and two in the trunk. “

“When they have run a piece of striding to work. “

“the People in the back seat stick Madeleine while the two sitting in the boot helps to be a flagglina around her neck. To the tune of the song ”Forever angel”, which is played loud in the car, choking the Madeleine.”

“When the gang to do away with the body hugger one of them of the Madeleine, with a knife, to be sure she is dead. “

“Madeleine’s mangled body dumped in a mine outside of Långshyttan. “

“Five out of a group of friends are sentenced to long prison terms for murder. 45-year-old who drove a volvo, was convicted of being an accessory to murder.”

“According to public prosecutor Johan Knies was the subject of money. The gang had borrowed large sums of Madeleine but had no intention to pay back. The solution was instead to do away with her. “

“But there were also signs that suggested another possible motive. Several in the gang had nazi sympathies.”

“On 1 may 2016, they went in the nazi Nordic resistance, NMR, marches. Images from the demonstration in Borlänge, including Expo posted, visible Broling and the 46-year-old Per-Olov Höflinger – two key personnel in the murder. “

“This combined with the fact that Madeleine was a tranny and had previously lived as it was, it smelled suspiciously of hate crimes. But prosecutors Johan Knies says that he did not find anything that suggested it. “

“Nazi propaganda in the cell.”

“The extremist right-wing views seems, however, remain, Aftonbladet reveal. Martin Broling, who was sentenced to 16 years in prison, and who now changed surname to Eriksson, who have done recently with the nazi propaganda in his cell at the facility Salberga.”

“In a jar, well visible in his cell, he had placed a headline that read: ”the Middle east of the jew should not be allowed here”. “

“He had also put up a picture of the extermination camp Auschwitz on their bulletin board. “

“Eriksson was told by prison officers to take down the image and the text. You complained of unsuitability in this, and the type of material was forbidden in the prison. “

“Prosecutor Johan Knies will not be surprised that Eriksson been detected with nazi propaganda. “

“– He has the sympathisers. It was the indications we got when we saw the picture of him in the demonstrationståget, ” says Johan Knies. “

“But he emphasizes at the same time that the police could not find anything that suggested a hatbrottsmotiv.”

“After the verdict shared the prison service on the gang and placed the six on five different institutions. The time behind the walls has been turbulent. “

“the 26-year-old Joakim Hessling, who was the one that added flagglinan around Madeleine’s neck, and then stabbed her with a knife, was sentenced to 17 years in prison. “

“Hessling is serving his sentence at the prison’s psychiatric department. Himself, he wanted to be placed on another institution, but the request was rejected.”

“According to the task to Aftonbladet think Hessling not to hang out with the other inmates. A source familiar according to Hessling vantrivts so in the prison that he himself requested to sit in isolation. “

“At one point, in 2018, refused Hessling to leave the urine sample. He claimed that he had difficulty urinating. Probation did not believe in his explanation, but shared instead a warning. “

“the 46-year-old Per-Olov Höflinger saw the first out to have been eased away. He was sentenced in the district court to 10 years in prison for being an accessory to murder and gross handling of stolen goods. The court of appeal tightened, however, the penalty to 14 years for murder. Höflinger is serving his sentence at the Kumla. “

“According to a police report about the abuse has Höflinger got into a fight with another inmate. In October 2018, it must have been a dispute in the kitchen, whereupon Höflinger and another inmate began fighting. The police report was, however, down. “

“– Here we have a word against word situation. Since we can’t prove who started, we have chosen to put down, ” says Karin Eldbom, the investigating authority, the police in Örebro county. “

“the Prisoners tried to make the spirits”

“One of those who helped Hessling to add flagglinan around Madeleine’s neck was a 21-year-old Daniel Viberg Wahlgren. He and Hessling sat in the boot of a Volvo, and surprised Madeleine from behind. The day after the murder, went Wahlgren, and a few others in the gang to a shopping mall, and shopped with Madeleine’s credit card. “

“Viberg Wahlgren was sentenced to 16 years in prison for murder and fraud and is serving his sentence at Norrtälje prison. He wanted to sit on the Triangle – to be closer to her family, but it rejected the Probation. “

“According to information provided to Aftonbladet have Viberg Wahlgren, and other inmates of norrtälje prison been summoned to uppsträckningssamtal since the staff discovered that the inmates have shared their medicine and that you tried to make your own moonshine. It is unclear, however, if just Viberg Wahlgren was guilty of this. “

“Obnoxious towards the staff.”

“the 20-year-old Mrs Hokkanen told me early for the police to the gang murdered the 61-year-old Madeleine. She was sentenced to 12 years in prison for murder, aggravated theft and fraud. “

“Hokkanen sat in the back seat of the car during the murder and helped to keep Madeleine when she was killed.”

“Hokkanen sits on the women’s prison Hinseberg. According to the task to Aftonbladet, she has been obnoxious towards the staff and not attended to the cleaning of his cell. She must also have felt threatened by other inmates and, therefore, applied to change custody. The correctional service rejected the application. “

“✓ the Night between the 17 and 18 June 2016 to be murdered 61-year-old Madeleine. “

“✓ She is tricked into a mordfälla after a barbecue at a lake. In the car on the way home helped four persons to strangle Madeleine, with a flagglina at the same time as the song ”Forever angel” is played loud in the car.”

“✓ When the gang to do away with the body hugger one of them of the Madeleine, with a knife, to be sure she is dead. “

“✓ Madeleine’s mangled body dumped in a mine outside of Långshyttan”

“✓ Eleven people were charged in connection with the murder.”

“✓ the Court of appeal brought down five for murder and one for being an accessory to murder.”