a diploma or not, the way does not lead to the Uni – with this Thinking, more and more students. Because the number of students without a baccalaureate degree has increased at universities in the past few years.

In German universities, more and more students sit without a high school diploma in the lecture halls. The centre for higher education development (CHE) has recorded the number of students without higher education or technical College for over ten years. In the past year, the universities recorded a record number of enrolments without a high school diploma.

Around 60,000 students without OJ was one of the CHE-study 2017 – four times in comparison to 2007. Of these, 2.9 per cent, launched into the first semester. The percentage was five per cent, most of the students without the Abitur in Hamburg, followed by Bremen (4.5 percent) and North Rhine-Westphalia, with four percent. The least baccalaureate-less students to study in the Saarland captured just 0.5 percent.

Around 60,000 students without Abi visited in 2017, a University.

the study of medicine, a diploma or not possible

a prerequisite for attending a University without the high school diploma completed vocational training and several years of professional experience. The touch of a completed masters or professional exam replaces the final grade.

Particularly in the disciplines of Law, Economics and social Sciences, many additions without a diploma. But a medical degree is a diploma is possible – a fact that is known, according to CHE. In 2017 approximately 800 of the nationwide 109.000 study places for medicine went to candidates without a high school diploma.

More students Abiprüfung Not create

only the number of newcomers to the Unis without the OJ in the bag, there are also more degrees without prior higher education. 2017 gained nationwide 8100 students without OJ your conclusion – here, too, the four-fold rate compared to 2007.