the Elderly passengers would like to have information about departure times and delays, when they are standing at the bus stop. It showed a study that Passagerpulsen, the Consumer council Tænks subsection for public transport, already last year published the.

Why cut it also in the ears, as Movia in december proudly presented that their customers would no longer have the opportunity to orient themselves by means of printed busplaner at the different stops. It explains the Rasmus Markussen, policy officer in the Passagerpulsen to Ekstra Bladet.

– We have several bouts approached Movia and made it very clear that we believe that there is a need for information directly on the stops, and that you can’t transfer all the information to the mobile phones. But we have not had the luck to have changed the decision, he says.

to display the Movia board of directors and kommunalpolitikerne, what are the consequences of the lack of timetables for passengers, bad Passagerpulsen Monday the danes – both on Facebook and the organization’s website to share their position on the Movia controversial decision.

the Initiative was a success, and Thursday by noon it had more than 650 written to Passagerpulsens website, and about 1000 had commented on the organization’s Facebook page, explains Rasmus Markussen, who stresses that it is far from only are older citizens, who have turned.

– It is not only older people without smartphones, who are experiencing it has become considerably more inconvenient to take the bus. It is all types of passengers of all ages, who are experiencing a worse service when they can’t see at the bus stop when the bus is about running and not at least where.

Community – 20. feb. 2019 – at. 11:50 Give us busplanerne back

The liberal bus passengers were well-received Ekstra released by the who on Tuesday was on the street to share busplaner out to those who wanted one. Here are the plans shared by Aleksandra Lasek and Kaan Bicken, both of which are 18 years of age. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

the Movia have previously explained, that you continue to have ample opportunity to orient themselves in the sector, even if you don’t own a smartphone.

– You do not need a smartphone for our sms 1250-service works with all phones. We also offer, that you can get the roadmaps sent in the mail, and we send out much like the train timetables to the passengers who want it, Movia communication director, Camilla Struckmann, formerly said to Ekstra Bladet.

The explanation you give, however, not very for from Passagerpulsen.

– whether I choose to call customer service – if they are open, send an sms or use the Itinerary to find out when the next bus goes, so it requires as a minimum a mobile phone. Some places I can be so lucky that there is a digital nedtællingsskærm at the bus stop, but unfortunately it is only 2,000 out of 14.000 stops, which offers the information, says Rasmus Markussen.

A friendly lady, mrs Larsen, has even printed the roadmap out and put it up on the bus stop at Enghavevej, after Movia decided to remove them on all of Zealand. Photo: Jonas Olufson


Passagerpulsen have sent a small handful of user criticism to the Extra Magazine, you can read below:

‘I thought it was a really bad joke, when I heard that Movia has removed the roadmap, so you can’t see, which way the bus is running and where you can get off and on. But it turned out that there really is someone who has gotten the amazing idea, and got the idea to fruition. How can Movia implement such a crazy idea, there are only even a worsening of the public transport, writes Mette from Copenhagen.

‘When my daughter with autism is and will be uncertain of the to take the bus. So are the roadmaps to give her overview, structure and, not least, the courage to take public transportation since the plans are visual’, writes Connie from Slagelse.

You are lost, when standing at a bus stop

’the Disaster that roadmaps do not exist at all bus stops. It is important that you can see departure times at all stops. It is difficult to use the telephone, in the dark and with the small keyboards. Have never got it to work. You are lost, when standing at a bus stop possibly. in a desolate place, and no idea when there will be a bus’, writes Lisbeth from Elsinore. the

‘Neither my husband or I have a smartphone and in addition to that, we of course believe that Movia is committed to serve the needs of ALL customers, we find it completely unacceptable to push/force the citizens to purchase all sorts of different electronic gadgets in order to be able to ‘function’ in society – as part of the tvangsdigitaliseringen, as far as is known is unique for Denmark’, writes Lillian from Copenhagen.